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Autism in women and a vent about diagnosis process ?


New Member
Hey i dont know how to start, i never wrote on this. im 18 years old and i was in a mental hospital.. I needed to do an autism testing there, i was in therapy before were there was an Suspicion that I might be autistic. I did the test and it had many points. My therapist there in the mental hospital was really kind but i needed to talk to a doctor there and dr told me that I just need a little push as a girl, i need to just become more confident, also said I need to keep eye contact even tho i didnt wanted to but i needed to do it, which also stressed me...said i need to try to fit in etc, after that i broke down and said i want to just stop with the mental hospital. My therapist then told me i should inform myself on specialists in terms of autism and a diagnosis but in my City there are none.. None for adults and near me are only two who dont take anymore in this and next year. I struggle a lot with loud sounds, touching, feeling overwhelmed and also anxiety after i always got excluded in my childhood from other kids for being "weird" and annoying because i never could answer in class and i was just quiet. Im also impulsive, my mother shows understanding now but back then she never did, i still go to school and its as it was always hard for me. How can i get help? If i cant have an diagnosis is there a way to get help? Also im from germany so i dont know it could differ from country to country..
Its a "tagesklinik" not an actual mental hospital i dont know the English word tho;(
I think in English, this translates to outpatient clinic. A place where you can get structured support and mental health services during the day, but not a place where you would be admitted and stay overnight.
Wie lange ist man in einer psychosomatischen Tagesklinik?

My psychiatrist wants to give me an "Überweisung" to a psychiatric ...

If request 72hrs observation, run away
I would suggest that although a formal diagnosis can be VERY helpful, and can persuade otherwise sceptical specialists that you do need therapies, it doesn't prevent you seeking help for the symptoms you experience. "Push through it" isn't exactly helpful. Are there any places you can go to get help while you wait for a diagnosis? A psychologist perhaps?
I would suggest that although a formal diagnosis can be VERY helpful, and can persuade otherwise sceptical specialists that you do need therapies, it doesn't prevent you seeking help for the symptoms you experience. "Push through it" isn't exactly helpful. Are there any places you can go to get help while you wait for a diagnosis? A psychologist perhaps?
I wrote to a Occupational therapist (?)= Ergo therapeut and tomorrow i will keep on calling ^_^ maybe they can help but im not sure, in terms of diagnosis i might just go to a normal psychologist, but idk my "therapist" in the tagesklinik said i should go to a specialist but i already mentioned :(
Wie lange ist man in einer psychosomatischen Tagesklinik?

My psychiatrist wants to give me an "Überweisung" to a psychiatric ...

If request 72hrs observation, run away
I was there only for a few days but i shouldve stayed for 6-12 weeks.. its mostly about group therapy, the first days for me where talking with a therapist and some other people, they can do tests (scanning) and also find if this kind lf therapy might not be good for you. My thrrapist said most people there are shizophrenic, depressed and anxious, but it also can be helpful for people with autism, since some acitovitirs are for Relaxation , but it can also be overwhelming
It depends whether you really need a diagnosis. In Germany, many schools also accept a diagnosis from a psychologist (Dipl.-Psych.) to offer accommodations. If you plan on getting official disability benefits from the health insurance, you'll need a diagnosis from a psychiatrist.

I'm sorry that your doctor didn't offer you more understanding advice. Though probably meant in a helpful way, that's a poor experience.
Hey i dont know how to start, i never wrote on this. im 18 years old and i was in a mental hospital.. I needed to do an autism testing there, i was in therapy before were there was an Suspicion that I might be autistic. I did the test and it had many points. My therapist there in the mental hospital was really kind but i needed to talk to a doctor there and dr told me that I just need a little push as a girl, i need to just become more confident, also said I need to keep eye contact even tho i didnt wanted to but i needed to do it, which also stressed me...said i need to try to fit in etc, after that i broke down and said i want to just stop with the mental hospital. My therapist then told me i should inform myself on specialists in terms of autism and a diagnosis but in my City there are none.. None for adults and near me are only two who dont take anymore in this and next year. I struggle a lot with loud sounds, touching, feeling overwhelmed and also anxiety after i always got excluded in my childhood from other kids for being "weird" and annoying because i never could answer in class and i was just quiet. Im also impulsive, my mother shows understanding now but back then she never did, i still go to school and its as it was always hard for me. How can i get help? If i cant have an diagnosis is there a way to get help? Also im from germany so i dont know it could differ from country to country..
Versuchen! Wenn das einfach ist, schreiben Sie in einen Online-Übersetzer, was Sie sagen möchten, ich spreche nicht fließend Deutsch Ich habe einen Online-Übersetzer verwendet
Try! writing in paragraphs in german ,then when that's easy ,write what you want to say, into an online translator ,i'm not fluent in german i used an online translator
I wrote to a Occupational therapist (?)= Ergo therapeut and tomorrow i will keep on calling ^_^ maybe they can help but im not sure, in terms of diagnosis i might just go to a normal psychologist, but idk my "therapist" in the tagesklinik said i should go to a specialist but i already mention

I wrote to a Occupational therapist (?)= Ergo therapeut and tomorrow i will keep on calling ^_^ maybe they can help but im not sure, in terms of diagnosis i might just go to a normal psychologist, but idk my "therapist" in the tagesklinik said i should go to a specialist but i already mentioned :(
Here's(contraction of here is) a reason why your tagesklinik( days tages, clinic klinik) psychologist recommended(wants you to go to) a specialist( spezialist) , i'm( contraction of Iam) in England,i WAITED 45 YEARS (yahre)! not(nicht) days(tage) or (oder) months (monate) for (fur)a diagnosis (diagnose).

might! have had a 60 minute lecture on autism and then nothing!!!!!
Translation ⬆
Macht! Ich hatte einen 60-minütigen Vortrag über Autismus und dann nichts!!!!!

Ein Psychologe, der sich auf die Diagnose von Autismus bei Erwachsenen spezialisiert hat, dauert zwischen einer Stunde und einigen Tagen, aber es ist genau
A psychologist specialising in adult autism diagnosis will take from an hour to a few days but it's accurate
Die unten aufgeführte Organisation kann möglicherweise Quellen für autismuskompetente Beratung empfehlen,...

The organization below might be able to recommend sources for autism-competent counseling,...
Almost replica as myself. When I child, I had a pat on my head and the dr said: she is just shy. She will grow out of it! And, if anything, I got worse!!

On discovering Aspergers, it surprised me to also found out that rarely are females diagnosed and this is because we are supposed to be very good at adapting to those around us and traits manifest differently to our male counterparts.

I have been laughed at my professionals, to suppose I have ASD.

However, I received some advice, that if I wanted to be diagnosed, I have to go through a psychiatrist and so, I started to see one ( I live in France - not French). Now, I was told that France does not even recognise Aspergers and certainly not in females. But, I received a referral to a neuropsychologist and saw her twice. She was amazing. I had to go though several tests and was told that I had a typical aspie score. I was then referred to an expert in autism and get this? It usually takes up to 2 YEARS to be seen, but I received an appointed the NEXT WEEK. I saw him twice too and was officially diagnosed with level 2.

Maybe, in Germany, you have to go through the same method?
Almost replica as myself. When I child, I had a pat on my head and the dr said: she is just shy. She will grow out of it! And, if anything, I got worse!!

On discovering Aspergers, it surprised me to also found out that rarely are females diagnosed and this is because we are supposed to be very good at adapting to those around us and traits manifest differently to our male counterparts.

I have been laughed at my professionals, to suppose I have ASD.

However, I received some advice, that if I wanted to be diagnosed, I have to go through a psychiatrist and so, I started to see one ( I live in France - not French). Now, I was told that France does not even recognise Aspergers and certainly not in females. But, I received a referral to a neuropsychologist and saw her twice. She was amazing. I had to go though several tests and was told that I had a typical aspie score. I was then referred to an expert in autism and get this? It usually takes up to 2 YEARS to be seen, but I received an appointed the NEXT WEEK. I saw him twice too and was officially diagnosed with level 2.

Maybe, in Germany, you have to go through the same method?
This is what i also noticed. I was already in Therapy when i was 11 and it was already questioned but tests were never done till i was in the Tagesklinik.. and then the dr told me to just push myself and even urgered me to look them in the eyes. I also noticed that women often not get taken seriously, imo even those wo dont do a lot of masking have it often hard. I take your comment in advice!

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