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Autism is no picnic


New Member
As an adult with high function autism I can assure you that life really does stink. You have to sit back and watch the world be controlled by morons who do not have half the i.q. of a grapefruit. It really sucks to have been born with this curse.
Sounds like you’ve had a rough go of it. Are the answers you are finding that you mentioned in your intro post insufficient in developing a more compassionate and positive understanding of the challenges you’ve faced in life?

Life stinks at times for sure, but is there nothing else? Why do you have to “sit back?” Are there areas in your life where you can have the control you desire?
Sounds like you’ve had a rough go of it. Are the answers you are finding that you mentioned in your intro post insufficient in developing a more compassionate and positive understanding of the challenges you’ve faced in life?

Life stinks at times for sure, but is there nothing else? Why do you have to “sit back?” Are there areas in your life where you can have the control you desire?

I don't agree that it's a curse, but I relate to the rest. It is very hard seeing the idiots who have power. Or seeing people waste the potential they have, while you deal with sensory overload daily, unable to do what you want.
As an adult with high function autism I can assure you that life really does stink. You have to sit back and watch the world be controlled by morons who do not have half the i.q. of a grapefruit. It really sucks to have been born with this curse.
I am also high function, ASD2. I admit I've been through a few rough patches in life, but the good times always roll around again.

Life is what you make of it. If you're high function then try using that high function. You can always pick yourself up and start again.
As an adult with high function autism I can assure you that life really does stink. You have to sit back and watch the world be controlled by morons who do not have half the i.q. of a grapefruit. It really sux to have been born with this curse.
I do what I can to help, and treat the rest as a comedy.
I'm not going to say 'I disagree' because I don't like to tell others how they should or should not feel about their autism, but I don't view it as being a curse. I just view it as something that just is. There's both good and bad that comes with being autistic in my view.
Once I developed a healthy self-concept, I never ceeded to anybody the ability to define how I must engage with things. I used my ability to focus and my knowledge in problem solving for those issues I could identify the need for, then develop the skills to move into the position. As a consequence, I not only got to define my role in projects, I was able to have influence beyond my direct authority.

Yes, I was cursed with social dysfunction as a consequence of my autism, yet I had a lot of success using the positive intellectual abilities that my autism provided.
As an adult with high function autism I can assure you that life really does stink. You have to sit back and watch the world be controlled by morons who do not have half the i.q. of a grapefruit. It really sux to have been born with this curse.

Life is difficult for everyone in their own ways but on top of that, autistic people have added challenges and burdens that NTs generally don't have. I agree with that.

I suffer the same frustration that you do about people in general, but I try hard to maintain a balanced perspective. Reason being: I could otherwise go through life hating almost everything about it which in turn only damages me and my own life.

Since I don't believe that I'll be wearing a white robe, standing shoulder to shoulder with others in white robes glorifying a higher power literally for eternity (no sitting down????), I believe this one life is the only one I have. Why would I want to waste it on constantly grinding my teeth over other people?

As autistic people, like anyone else, we can also be moronic. One way I've found that I can be moronic (moronic: very foolish or stupid) is not seeing or sometimes even refusing to see that life isn't always black and white. Sometimes it is, but not always.
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As he uses "pretend", I would not understand like that. And for more clarification I would read his first post:

Or maybe I am not understanding assure properly. Lets see:

View attachment 103297

Also, that I quoted his last post does not mean that I am just replying to his last post. I was not.

But thank you for the link, it feels like an insult to me. Or a try to invalidate my answer based on a suposed lack of understanding. But I may be wrong and not understanding properly...

So thank you.
They are two different posters. I don't think that what he said really warrants the response you gave him. He didn't impose that autism must stink on everyone. I suppose you simply just misunderstood him, but what i think is odd is how some people agreed with your post. I would assume that native speakers can understand the meaning of NB79's post just fine.
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They are two different posters. I don't think that what he said really warrants the response you gave him. He didn't impose that autism must stink on everyone. I suppose you simply just misunderstood him, but what i think is odd is how some people agreed with your post. I would assume that native speakers can understand the meaning of NB79's post just fine.

I somewhat got to the wrong conclusión that they were the same poster. Im sorry.

I have deleted my posts. My mistake.

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