I usually avoid anything relating to the supernatural like the plague. I'm analytical to a fault and find that sort of thing aggravating.
However, the article was oddly straightforward an interesting.
Like I said, the paranormal and hokus-pokus usually annoys me (I was a cynic from an early age, becoming a closet atheist within a catholic family by the age of eight and a diagnosed depressive the same year), but my family has always had a touch of weirdness in it. Psychic weirdness, I mean.
I think it would be my great great great aunt (give or take a great) on my father's mother's side who was a full blown psychic in her day. Most of the family disowned her because she was kind of psycho, but she had all sorts of premonitions, mostly small stuff within the family, but also predicting WWII events and something big in the 60's (I'd have to ask my dad more about that).
Again, I'm not full into accepting the ideas of the psychic, but along my dad's family (which is also where the autistic genes are) we have these gut premonitions that we cannot explain. Dad usually knows when someone is going to pass away, even if they aren't in bad health, when he sees them. He just takes a look at them and says that this is the last time he will see them and knows that they'll be gone within a week.
One of my sisters can do the same thing, never wrong. They'll just get quiet after saying goodbye to someone and you'll ask them what's wrong and they'll just shake their heads. Especially weird considering my sister is a loud energetic type that doesn't really care about much.
That's happened to me twice, with my grandmother and my aunt. My aunt was in good health, too. Sudden heart attack out of nowhere. She was just sitting on her porch and I was saying goodbye to my cousin and I rushed over there and gave her a hug and wouldn't get in the car because I knew something was wrong.
I also have memory's that I cannot explain. I remember things from before I was born sometimes. When I was little my parents used to dismiss it as me hearing stories in the family and replicating them, but I am a very visual person. I was able to draw out the apartment my mother and father were living in in 1989 (ten years before my birth) and knew the placemet of the furniture and the carpet colour and the colour of the plates and the smell of the rabbit. Scared the crap out of me, didn't seem to suprise my dad. I have this one memory of a whitewash church somewhere east of us. It feels further east, taller trees, a bit more humid. Anyway, I know the church and that my dad was the pastor, but my dad has never been a pastor and we have never been to that church. It might be a dream or something silly, but my memories of the place are to exact. It's like I have a series of pictures in my head from the different places I was standing at different moments.
All of these phenomenon are probably bullcrap with a simple explanation, but I cannot find them, so I'll post here.