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Autism Survey

I am a third year university student currently completing my dissertation on the relationship between autism and sibling bullying. I have attached said survey, if anybody would like to complete it that would be greatley appreciated. I understand that this is a sensitive topic, so if anybody would like to reach out to me before completing the survey my email is [email protected]. The survey has gained ethical approval from the University of York.
Thank you!

Oh, I thought this was going to be from the perspective of the autist. I don't have kids, so I can't help you there.
Hi Hannah, we had another similar student doing a survey a while ago as well. It might also pay to point out that you are in the UK and to state wether or not you want participants from other countries.

@Outdated a lot of people sign up just to post a questionnaire asking for participants for their college or university courses. I'm not sure many stick around after they've got what they were after from us. I've been here a couple of years and you normally see a post such as this every month.

Strange really, as there's a lot that could be learned through regular discussion with people on the spectrum.

But I guess we're a means to an end.

@Outdated a lot of people sign up just to post a questionnaire asking for participants for their college or university courses. I'm not sure many stick around after they've got what they were after from us. I've been here a couple of years and you normally see a post such as this every month.

Strange really, as there's a lot that could be learned through regular discussion with people on the spectrum.

But I guess we're a means to an end.


They don't. I'm a pretty regular forum rat and this type of thing happens everywhere for whatever group of people are being targeted.

I kind of like to help them anyway, but I get it when the regulars get angry because they're basically being used. They're not wrong, and it's very annoying to some.
They don't. I'm a pretty regular forum rat and this type of thing happens everywhere for whatever group of people are being targeted.

I kind of like to help them anyway, but I get it when the regulars get angry because they're basically being used. They're not wrong, and it's very annoying to some.
Agreed. I don't personally have any issues helping people out with their courses, you never know, it could help contribute to better awareness, every little helps and all that. More people talking about Autism is a good thing.

The problem is, we are fast becoming the new cool hip minority and I understand why people are angry at being treated by some as little more than a passing fad. Shame it's only going to get worse.
Agreed. I don't personally have any issues helping people out with their courses, you never know, it could help contribute to better awareness, every little helps and all that. More people talking about Autism is a good thing.

The problem is, we are fast becoming the new cool hip minority and I understand why people are angry at being treated by some as little more than a passing fad. Shame it's only going to get worse.

Hip to be Autustic?
I don't mind helping people with questions and forms.
It seems most of the times I don't fit what they are looking for.
I'm not a parent, no siblings, never married and usually too old.

Sorry about that. Good luck in your research.

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