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Autism Therapy Dogs

I think something went wrong with the link. I can see a facebook link for half a second when I click on this page, but it disappears.
In dogs I find calm steady connection and a desire to hug. Neither of which I have been able to find around human beings.

With my human relationships that are “successful“ connection feels planned, practiced, and occurs through rational thinking. With the dogs, I just feel it.
It seems that dogs are helpfull to any human, probably other animals are helpfull too. But specially dogs.

Temple Grandin supports a theory of coevolution between wolves and homo sapiens into modern human (with smallest brains and less sensory capacity) and modern wolves (dogs, who put their senses and other capacities at the service of humans).

It makes sense to me. From an ape perspective, the way humans groups behave may be very wolfy. We have this wolfy way of trying to marry, and the wolfy way of establishing leadership over groups.

I would like to have a dog in my live in the future.
I think something went wrong with the link. I can see a facebook link for half a second when I click on this page, but it disappears.

I have occasionally noticed this as well when I go to Dr Tony Attwood’s Facebook page on a tablet. On a PC it is fine. Must be a software anomaly.

If the link does not work, just search for him on Facebook or YouTube.

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