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Autistic boy 'I don't want to die'

Disgusting yet predictable.

The NHS has proven to discriminate against people once again.
Is the tabloid press propaganda?

"Propaganda" is usually used in reference to politics. But I presume it could be information spread to further a cause even if not political in nature.
I'm not sure I think the tabloid press is necessarily trying to push any particular cause though. They just use sensationalism (very regularly at the expense of accuracy) in order to sell as many papers as they can.
I look at them as works of fiction trying to pass itself off as being real.
I guess some people enjoy it though.
Is the tabloid press propaganda?
Yes. Of course. I doubt anyone on the editorial staff is deliberately spreading propagana. But high emotion sells. So they will look for any angle that purposely causes hightened emotion. The fastest way is to print on subjects and topics that are devisive. They will then deliberately craft their story to gain as much oppostional opinion as possible. That is propaganda in every way.
Is the tabloid press propaganda?

I would say tabloids are more about Senationalism: the use of exciting or shocking stories or language at the expense of accuracy, in order to provoke public interest or excitement.

It's the mainstream media that's been a full on tool of propaganda for quite some time now and at this point I would say even unabashedly so: Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Sounds like at some point "tabloids" effectively went "THIS IS NOT EVEN MY FINAL FORM" and became digital social media. The two really do sound the same, dont they?
Even if it is sensationalized, those articles were very hard to read and made me cry. :(
Probably exactly the reaction the tabloids are trying to get out of us tho…
Probably exactly the reaction the tabloids are trying to get out of us tho…


It's just like social media: The point is not to inform you. Nor is it to "help you communicate with others".

The point, the one and ONLY point, is to get you clicking and "engaging" with the site more. The most effective way is to offend and enrage. Which then causes topics like this one to exist on forums like this one, thus spreading the stupid even further, possibly gaining MORE CLICKS.

And thus... more ad views. Which is their REAL goal.

The best action is to simply not engage whatsoever. Dont even click. ASSUME, from the very start, that it will be A: sensationalized, B: exaggerated, and C: potentially a giant lie from top to bottom. These companies WILL NOT hesitate to do all of those 3 things. And they'll get away with it. Every time.

I keep telling people to stay away from this garbage, it never accomplishes anything, but dagnabit I'm not going to give up.

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