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Autistic individuals in prank videos


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

In this video, I had discussed how funny prank videos can become. I did use the eating dog food out of the can prank as an example how a prankster would do something stupid without causing harm to anybody, enough to give us a real decent laugh.

I had focused on the dark side of prank videos, I talked about how some individuals can find it easy to manipulate or trick an individual on the autism spectrum to unexpectedly take part in a prank that results in being humiliated and fall for the most embarrassing trick expecting views, likes and subscribers if this makes it onto YouTube.

I explain this one incident only just before YouTube became a thing in the mid-2000's. In the mid-2000's, "Jackass" was very popular for teenage youths who liked skating. There was a gang of youths in Melbourne, Australia back in 2006 had set up a 14 year old female who was autistic into a prank that resulted her to strip in public, forced to perform explicit acts and was forced to come home naked after her clothes were tossed into the nearby river.

In the process when this girl was being attacked, this was filmed, later burned on to DVD to be sold in school grounds as their own version of "Jackass". It already featured a wide variety of pranks that made at drunken parties the kids had attended to.

Later this was seen by the police, the youths were arrested, taken to justice and by surprise charged for processing child pornography with sexual assault charges also laid. Please follow this link to see the newspaper article --> https://www.theage.com.au/national/film-of-attack-on-girl-shown-to-parents-20071018-ge62tn.html

Please watch my video content if you can to hear what I had to say about how harmful it was to set this poor autistic female up in such humiliating pranks.
Great vid! You are funny, but it is true........

I think it is criminal for people to do this! How many of us have had this happen to us? People liked to pretend they liked me when they did not and then would do things like show others how I responded. I could not believe it.

CRUSHED is not the word because while I am kind, loyal, caring to fault, giving and loving, I am not attractive and do not attract mates. So you would think I would learn. Oh, I can't learn because I have an LD on top of it all. So it's a perfect target.

That curve from feeling stupid, dumb, ignorant and alone to feeling like someone liked me! Feeling like someone might love me! My mind started slowly to change into this incredible bright place, the kind of place I only dreamed about and the reality was so much better!

Well, sometimes they laugh in my face. The ones with a conscience tried to back off while I came out of my shell, realizing now what? What do I do with this creature now? The Creature responded and NOW WHAT?

One person was so unprepared for the outcome (I guess usually people just chew them out) I responded like a stray dog. They actually moved away. I am sure it was not because of me. I think they were toying with me before they moved to see what they could get out of an easy target.


Your video was great. Keep posting.
That poor girl. My goodness! This makes me think of autism-as-entertainment in a larger sense. A friend of mine recommended Atypical to me, a comedy show about an autistic kid. I got through most of one episode and then shut it off. And then of course there’s Rainman and the kid from Big Bang Theory. It seems sometimes that the world really only notices autistic people when they want to laugh at us via movies and TV shows or when we are involved in a crime—in other words, when we entertain them in some way. I guess the boys in the “prank” video thought so, too. I’m glad they were arrested and charged! I hope the girl’s lawyers sued the pants off of everyone involved in distributing the video as well.

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