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Avoidant personality disorder.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here been diagnosed with co-morbid AVPD? I have looked at the diagnostic criteria before and it often seems to describe me better than autism does. It's not unreasonably to think that we have a higher chance of developing due to the trauma that results from being autistic. Where is the line between social anxiety, introversion etc and avpd drawn exactly? To me being honest and open about myself to people in real life feels extremely uncomfortable.
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Has anyone here been diagnosed with co-morbid AVPD? I have looked at the diagnostic criteria before and it often seems to describe me better than autism does. It's not unreasonably to think that we have a higher chance of developing due to the trauma that results from being autistic. Where is the line between social anxiety, introversion etc and avpd drawn exactly? To me being honest and open about myself to people in real life feels extremely uncomfortable.
I was diagnosed with it. In my case I think it's more that I get sensory overload around people. The more people, the more input I'm unable to filter out and it crushes me.
I definitely go thru stages where l have to be by myself. My mom laid guilt trips on me because l isolated myself alot. But this disorder is fear of rejection from others which isn't my problem at all. So l guess l don't fit this.
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More or less, I suspect most autistics have this,...especially as they mature and have more frustrating, traumatic, stressful, or simply "dysfunctional" communication and social interactions. Avoiding people inevitably becomes a "safer" way to go through life.

As a child-adolescent-young adult we are often quite concerned with "fitting in", so we are on this steep learning curve of "how am I supposed to interact",...but at some point we realize we are "faking" or "acting" our way through life. We begin to realize the psychological effects it has on us,...and frankly, we are often pretending that we understand other people, when the underlying autistic condition doesn't allow for it no matter how hard we try. Once autistics have this epiphany, and become more self-aware,...avoidance behavior tends to set in slowly,...sometimes unconsciously,...but it then becomes quite a conscious effort.
"People with AvPD often avoid social interaction for fear of being ridiculed, humiliated, rejected, or disliked. They typically avoid becoming involved with others unless they are certain they will not be rejected, and may also pre-emptively abandon relationships due to a real or imagined fear that they are at risk of being rejected by the other party."

Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) - Psychiatric Disorders - Merck Manuals Professional Edition

As a child-adolescent-young adult we are often quite concerned with "fitting in", so we are on this steep learning curve of "how am I supposed to interact",...but at some point we realize we are "faking" or "acting" our way through life. We begin to realize the psychological effects it has on us,...and frankly, we are often pretending that we understand other people, when the underlying autistic condition doesn't allow for it no matter how hard we try. Once autistics have this epiphany, and become more self-aware,...avoidance behavior tends to set in slowly,...sometimes unconsciously,...but it then becomes quite a conscious effort.
That's where I am right now. I realize that socially interacting with people is bound to always result in the same failure, it almost completely destroyed my motivation to talk with people.
Going through my diagnosis, the therapist noted that as a teen and young adult I presented with the social avoidance of Schizotypal Personality Disorder.
I think I have this. I’m terrified of meeting new people and often refuse to, because I’m afraid of being bullied again.
I think I have this. I’m terrified of meeting new people and often refuse to, because I’m afraid of being bullied again.
So sad. Couldn't they see the girl/woman who persevered and transcended the limits others wrote for her? Too much hate in this world.
Just according to that short quiz, I have a strong indication of it, but just based on that short quiz, I'm having trouble differentiating it between social anxiety disorder.
Guess l come from not rejection, more from criticism from those who don't understand me. How l live my life is nobody's business. Perhaps we are a bit renegade. We walk our path alone because it's what we do. I don't like the authorities telling me l will live longer only if l am social. I see plenty of older people living alone successfully. Or telling me l should join a church to add value to my life. I have nothing against those who do, but l wasn't raised that way.

So l agree with all the forum members that were kind enough to post their thoughts on a subject that has caused me much grief.
I am on the spectrum and have that too, although not confirmed.

Just yesterday, some friends who live in Germany ( they are from Poland originally), text hubs to say they are in "our" country and lets get to gether. My poor husband received and very definite: no way from me! No matter what he said, the idea freaks me out.

I also had a heavy day for me, yesterday and today, feel as though I have been to a nightclub! With how drained and dislodged I feel and probably, why the idea of going out all day, again, soon, is a horror to me.
Hmmmm. I like to think I live in relative isolation by choice. Not because of nebulously fearing people at all. That at this stage of my life, I simply prefer to be alone much of the time. To live a life without so much social clutter.

Though I do make casual interactions with people just to keep in practice. Seems more a matter of common sense- not fear of any sort. Does this all make me an exception or the rule when it comes to autism ?

Don't know. Don't really care either.

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