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Awkward Walking and Body Movement


Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
Is it just me or does anyone else have problems with walking/body movement in that sometimes it tends to be awkward? Perhaps it has to do with anxiety or something but sometimes I can't help but feel that my body movement is a bit awkward feeling, especially around crowds like in a city. I also seem to be very self-conscious of myself and my movements.
I don't have too much of an issue with that today, but I think that when I was growing up, the way I walked was a bit awkward. I can remember one or two times when my mother said that it looked kind of like I was limping or something. And of course being a bit awkward with my general body movements made me rather inept when it came to PE and sports, which didn't help me at all when I entered the rather nasty and vicious world of Junior High (I managed to get a doctor's excuse to get out of having to do PE anymore when I was about halfway through the 7th grade due to being picked on constantly for being a fat little awkward and nonathletic kid).
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Several people have remarked that I walk funnily insofar I don't move my arms while doing it. I never cared.

I do think that being self-conscious can bring a lot of problems.
When I was younger I was very self-conscious of my movements but it isn't that much of an issue for me now. I'm aware that I tense up when I feel uncomfortable but I've always done that. Like at school, when I had to sit by someone I wasn't comfortable around, which was pretty much everyone in some of my classes. I'd just sit there, straight as a rod, and make hardly any movement.
I have good gross motor skills and body awareness, good enough that I can engage in some sports and appear competent, but my fine motor skills absolutely suck. I can't even type properly because of it no matter how many times I try.
I'm very self-conscious about my movements.

I've noticed that having some alcohol decreases my self-consciousness about my body movements and can help my movement to be less awkward.

Like many, I also was poor at sports due to my awkward body movement/coordination.
I think I can be quite awkward but lots of people don't notice it unless they really start concentrating on those things. I can't really say that Asperger's have anything to do with some of it. I might walk a little weird sometimes but it is due to some health issues I was born with. People mentioned that I walk too fast. Well, unless it is a walk in a park, I just want to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible that's why I walk fast :) I also move a lot sometimes... like for instance if I wait for something I can't just stand there motionless like some folks do. I have some issues with coordination, that's why it was difficult for me to learn how to dance, but I believe, with lots of practice I could master even complex dance moves. I would probably need more time then some others but I would get there eventually.
A lot of people seem to comment on my walking and running- usually people say it's child-like. My body movements in general are pretty clumsy most of the time. I run into things quite a bit. Just yesterday I had a glass in my hand and tried to walk through an open door. Instead I walked straight into the corner and shattered the glass in my hands. I have to confess that's probably the third glass I broke in this house, too. =/

I'm usually not good with my balance, either. I often wobble around and almost topple over for no reason. Going down stairs is another one I have to pay attention to, but it comes a bit more naturally because I've always grown up in houses with stairs. However I do still have to have my hand on something or walk in a specific pattern, otherwise I often will miss or misjudge a step.

I think by myself I'm not that bad, but it's probably more because I'm not embarassed or self-concious. I'm pretty sure I still do some (or all) of them, it's just probably more subtle. It does increase/worsen quite a bit when I feel watched.
Everyone says I have a really weird/funny walk. I have a bounce in my step and kind of walk on my toes. My feet hurt all the time, I think I over think how I walk, I dunno? I don't think it's anxiety, probably dyspraxia or something?
Everyone says I have a really weird/funny walk. I have a bounce in my step and kind of walk on my toes. My feet hurt all the time, I think I over think how I walk, I dunno? I don't think it's anxiety, probably dyspraxia or something?

I think walking around on tip-toes is supposed to be a fairly common AS thing for some reason. It's not something that I do, though. I may have a little bit when I was younger, but I don't really remember.
Everyone says I have a really weird/funny walk. I have a bounce in my step and kind of walk on my toes. My feet hurt all the time, I think I over think how I walk, I dunno? I don't think it's anxiety, probably dyspraxia or something?

I've been told the bounce in my step too, although I don't think I really walk on my toes...I think it's just more like how a little kid walks.
When I'm in public I overthink how I walk or what my posture is. But alone I don't.
I bump into stuff, like door frames, desks, etc. I'm used to it by now. I find it kind of funny lol
I think walking around on tip-toes is supposed to be a fairly common AS thing for some reason.

I heard that somewhere. Funnily enough, I used to walk on tip-toes a lot when I was very little... my parents nicknamed me Wolfie because of it. :lol2: I saw DVD footage of me from when I was about 18 months - 2 years old in which pretty much every time I walked it was on my toes. I don't think I've done it since I was about 4 though, apart from when I wanted to make myself appear taller. :P
I think walking around on tip-toes is supposed to be a fairly common AS thing for some reason.

I used to walk like that when I was much younger. It was pointed out to me by my mum and then eventually I stopped doing it.

When I'm in public I overthink how I walk or what my posture is. But alone I don't.

I am the same. On Tuesday I went out with my parents to a town that I hadn't been to for some time. I went into a shopping mall and while I'm very familiar with this place, I started to become very conscious of my walking and body movements. I suppose it has something to do with anxiety or being around people.
I think walking around on tip-toes is supposed to be a fairly common AS thing for some reason. It's not something that I do, though. I may have a little bit when I was younger, but I don't really remember.

I walk on my tip-toes sometimes. Usually when I'm barefoot. It feels more natural to me.. :\
I remember that I used to walk on my tip-toes when I was younger. My mum would always comment on it and tell me to put my feet flat against the ground. I'm not sure why I did it but it was only for a short period of time.
I used to splat my feet against the ground really hard when I walked as a child.

I am very clumsy. I often run into walls, doors, lose my balance and look drunk.
Also, I can't drive well. My perception is highly off, I hit every curb.

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