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Bank causing me problems!


Well-Known Member
My bank is causing me a lot of stress, problems and embarresment. Two evenings ago I was in a supermarket and used a self-service check-out. I had enough funds in my account but my card was declined, and the ATM wouldn't allow me to withdraw cash. Yesterday I went into a branch, I was told that I would be able to use my card. Later that day, I was in a fast food restaurant and my card would not work again!
The only thing I can think of is when they suspect fraud and freeze your account, but since you had just spoken to someone, that's odd. I would simply speak to another person and tell them about how you already went through this and it didn't work, in case they would do anything differently knowing you had spoken to someone before.
I made two purchases recently where both credit cards were denied based on reading the chip in both cards at the same check-out station. In frustration I decided to slide them through and they both worked just fine. Technological glitches...they happen. :(
It may be that the magnetic strip or chip is faulty on the card. As you say, from the bank's perspective, all is well. They can issue you a replacement card if that is the case.
One of my support workers suggested that I go into my bank to get a mini statement. I just asked the teller. She said the tellers don't and I would have to go to an ATM. I said I wanted it for a week I had to say a time period and thought a week (my support worker didn't say how many days). The teller said the ATM is about two or three days. Then she said I would have to wait in another area where an advisor would print one for me, I asked is there a queing system in place there, as I would feel no system really awkward, then she printed me one off. I would rather the support worker had came along withe today to ease my stress!
I wish my bank never had asked me for a phone number! All the hassle and stress I am experiencing.
Everyone's autism isnt exactly the same and the way my autism affects me is I prefer to go into the bank with a support worker than use telephone or internet banking.
Even someone not on the spectrum I think should have the right to this.
I don't believe in ID cards, what the UK government tried to bring in years ago and with passports or driver's license not everyone has one or both or should have to have one or both. So if legitimate honest people get asked for a passport or driving licence that's frustrating
In the UK the media is saying that the newly elected government wants to introduce id cards, liberty the human rights organisation is against them, like me (I have included a link) also the UK media has been saying there's a rise in COVID, I know during lockdowns they wanted to separate people, deny people access to places and give people 'a mark' where people couldn't buy food/goodsLink
In the UK the media is saying that the newly elected government wants to introduce id cards, liberty the human rights organisation is against them, like me (I have included a link) also the UK media has been saying there's a rise in COVID, I know during lockdowns they wanted to separate people, deny people access to places and give people 'a mark' where people couldn't buy food/goodsLink
Yeah sorry, when I said mark, I meant the spot on the body, where they did the temperature checks
Our lives seem very similar in some ways. I had a lot of trouble with my bank for a while. They kept giving me access unlock codes that didn't work and telling me to go home and do it on the internet. Ever since then I've always gone to the loans manager and used them as my personal helpdesk. "Here's my phone, here's my card, you do it.".

In the UK the media is saying that the newly elected government wants to introduce id cards...
We went through this about 30 years ago and they're still too scared to mention it again. When Aussies get upset about something there's no misinterpretation of our thoughts. :)
Recently had a fintech bank freeze my company's funds. We tried to schedule help but was notified they couldn't talk to us for a week.

One of us happened to be second-degree LinkedIn connections with most of the C-suite. 30 minutes after sending the C*Os nastygrams, our funds were unfrozen😅

We closed the account anyway.
I should mention, I never make an appointment with the loans manager. I hate phones and I hate refusals. I just walk in and look around to see who's doing nothing. Look out, here I come. The loans manager is usually the one looking idle. :)

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