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Bar/Restaurant question and confusion


Well-Known Member
I was in a bar and ordered a veggie breakfast and an orange juice. I got the juice straight away when I paid so the glass of juice was on the table I was sat at, also my cap was on it. I went to the restroom, on my return I heard the waiting staff member ask the bar staff member if I was still there I was confused as I thought it would be highly unlikely I would have left after paying, giving my table number and the fact my juice and cap were on the table so that has left me confused
Also has anything like this ever happened to anyone else?
They just work there. They have no way of knowing what you, the customer, are doing, thinking, or anything and customers do bloody weird and nonsensical things sometimes. Workers need to keep track of things as much as they can, and they have a LOT that needs keeping track of, so they'll ask each other stuff. In this case, it was just "is this guy actually still here or did he wander off?". They need to know if your seat is truly still in use, and stuff like that. All in what is, for them, a very chaotic environment.

There's really not much else to it.
Sometimes customers leave their personal items behind. Wait staff should be more on top of what's going on. Sometimes wait staff goes out to smoke cigs, take a break. So when they return, they are unaware of what's up.

Sometimes an employee might have just arrived, and is unsure of where you are at in the lineup. Ordering, paying bill etc. And finally- they weren't paying attention.
Maybe you were just feeling oversensitive that day. You got up and left the table for a while and maybe the server was new, and was confused when she came out to bring your food to the table and no one was there.

It was not a dig against you. You did nothing wrong. It was just your perception of the details.

In a few days this will be a funny story you tell people.
I've run into this all the time when I eat out at a restaurant by myself. People rarely ever eat out by themselves and when you're the only one at the table. It means that anytime to need to leave your table. The waiter(s) may think that you're done and may clear the table. It's just one of those things that happens when you are the only one sitting at the table.

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