Hey AspiesCentral. I'm Becky, I have Aspergers or as I like to call it ass burgers. *giggles*
Umm. I come from Australia.
I made a list of my special interests earlier.
My 10 awesome aspie-obsessions/interests/smarts.
1. Medieval, Middle ages, Celtics. (interest)
2. Internetz and computers. (obsession)
3. Video games (obsession)
4. Musical instruments (Which is my special characteristics as I'm extremely good at playing them. Soon as I pick up an instrument, boom, off I go." (smarts)
5. Poetry and story writing (smarts)
6. Art/Cartoon (smarts and interests)
7. Virtual pets and Runescape (interests)
8. Rodents (love, interests and obsessions) (Yay for Romeo, Squeak, Elvis, Socks, Jasmine, Sandy? and Lucy!)
9. Forums and Skype (obsessions)
10. Pelipper and Pikachu and Pokemon in general (obsessions)
I love Mike Oldfield's music too. It's calming. I hate new music like Nicki Minaj. She looks like a troll.
My favorite video games include:
Commander Keen:
Spyro - Year of the dragon and Hero's Tale:
Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal:
Zelda: OOT (I have an Ocarina IRL <3)
I hope to get to know everyone here. I'm a nice person, just easily misunderstood because of my Aspergers.
Umm. I come from Australia.
I made a list of my special interests earlier.
My 10 awesome aspie-obsessions/interests/smarts.
1. Medieval, Middle ages, Celtics. (interest)
2. Internetz and computers. (obsession)
3. Video games (obsession)
4. Musical instruments (Which is my special characteristics as I'm extremely good at playing them. Soon as I pick up an instrument, boom, off I go." (smarts)
5. Poetry and story writing (smarts)
6. Art/Cartoon (smarts and interests)
7. Virtual pets and Runescape (interests)
8. Rodents (love, interests and obsessions) (Yay for Romeo, Squeak, Elvis, Socks, Jasmine, Sandy? and Lucy!)
9. Forums and Skype (obsessions)
10. Pelipper and Pikachu and Pokemon in general (obsessions)
I love Mike Oldfield's music too. It's calming. I hate new music like Nicki Minaj. She looks like a troll.
My favorite video games include:
Commander Keen:
Spyro - Year of the dragon and Hero's Tale:
Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal:
Zelda: OOT (I have an Ocarina IRL <3)
I hope to get to know everyone here. I'm a nice person, just easily misunderstood because of my Aspergers.