I have self-diagnosed Asperger's. I'm 16 and have 2 more years of high school and then I can go to a university. I am very interested in medicine and want to study medicine and become a doctor. Do you think this will work well? I maintain good relationships with my classmates, but have no close friends and don't hang out outside of school, have narrow interests (medicine is one of them), i feel empathy, but don't know well how to express it. In school my marks are excellent, espicially form physics, chemistery and biology. I struggle a bit with reading comprehension and Croatian, English, German and History are a bit harder for me. Also, can they refuse me from medicine university if I get an offical diagnosis of Asperger's, I also had a cancer (Non-hodkgin Lymphoma) 3 years ago, but now it's all ok, except panic attacks if I find a lump somewhere in my body, but they always say it's all ok.