Active Member
Hey, I'm Haley Meadows, 17 years old, and I have been recently diagnosed with high functioning autism. Well, I always knew I was different, I just didn't know there was a word or disorder for it. I truly believed one day the medical community would study my body and brain after I died and realize I was some further evolved humanoid or I had a mental condition unknown until that point and therefore suddenly a Wikipedia page would be formed to explain the newly discovered Meadows syndrome. I'm unsure about this whole autism deal, but I'm glad there are now others who know how it is to live with such a unusual mind set. But, being completely honest, I want to meet others like me. I want to form relationships and on much deeper, more intellectual levels, than I can with the people in my life so far. I want to have friends that actual understand me. I want to have deep intellectual, evenly sided, conversations with other human beings. I want to use big words without being looked at differently. I want to meet someone who actually says, "Yeah, I've been thinking that, too." So if any of you want this too, I would love to talk to any of you.