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Being in control


Founder & Former Admin
V.I.P Member
Apparently Aspies like to have control and have things go their way.

Do you like to be in control? Do you get angry if things don't go your way?
I'm pretty flexible and like to follow people and I also do my own thing. But it drives me crazy when people don't stick to their agenda. When I'm hungry, it's worse.
In some situations when I have to be the boss, I would prefer actually being a boss and in control, but at times, I just feel I could try a little harder at times. It seems I'm doing pretty well now.:H
For me, I find that if I don't speak up in social situations then I get overlooked or ignored. If I do speak up and voice my opinions/ideas then I get accused to being bossy and trying to control. So it looks like I can't win sometimes no matter what I do. :lol2:

I like to plan things and have things go my way but I can also just go with the flow if needed.
I like things to go just so. My mum tells me off constantly for being selfish, I guess she's right.
I like people to stick to their guns, I don't do inconsistency.
I will go with the flow if I have to though.
I'm a self-admitted control freak. I honestly believe that if I could control people like in The Sims, things in my life (and theirs) would go a lot more smoothly. Apparently, even one of my phobias - fear of vomiting - is common amongst people who like being in control.

However, that's the way I think and feel on the inside. On the outside, I quietly just go along with whatever the other people in my life choose to do.
I always have to have constant control. That's the reason that I've moved out, 4 years ago. I didn't feel that I had the control that I needed, when I was living with my parents, so I've moved out. When I'm with my friends, I'm able to go with the flow, because I enjoy their company.
I'm actually pretty flexible and I don't mind not getting my own way, it doesn't really bother me. I don't mind playing by other people's rules either, as long as I know what they're asking of me is acceptable and they don't try to manipulate me. So most of the time I'm OK to go with the flow.
Yes being in control is very important to me. I love it that I have my independence. I don't get along well living with others. I also get upset when I don't get my way and will find a way to correct a situation so I can get my way.

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