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Being in touch with my youngest sister, has certainly opened up pandora's box


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V.I.P Member
I think because I live in a different country to my siblings and our history, plus me having Aspergers, I feel that they are just shadows and never imagined I would be in contact with at least 4 of them ( there are 5 of us), but suddenly being in contact with my "little" sister, who was adopted when she was 7, it is causing all sorts of strange emotions.

I have a very bad relationship with my second sister ( because of her, I had to face very unpleasant situations) and she suddenly contacts me to say she is finally in contact with our youngest.

Skyping my youngest each sunday, has been both amazing and very shocking, but talking with her, helped me to get over a bad feeling I had for my third sister and in truth, I had ghosted her for a couple of years, so got back with a huge apology and she has been great and very kindly warned me that our second sister, has posted pictures of their reunion and finally I undestand why second sister suddenly got in touch, because she must have had the grace to feel embarrassed.

So, she posted a couple of pictures of their reunion and I was told that they really wanted me there, but dear second sister said on her post: I love all my sisters. And that made me feel actually offended. I feel she could have said: love all my sisters, but one sadly is not here. Could not believe it, when I saw that our cousin also responded and even said: hi cousins but no: hey, where is Suzanne? I mean: hang on! I am the eldest!!!!

I feel so uttely discounted and hate this feeling.
This whole situation is triggering, maybe it wasn't a slight, but you nevertheless were upset.
She may have said "All my sisters " instead of just "My sisters" specifically to include you
This whole situation is triggering, maybe it wasn't a slight, but you nevertheless were upset.
I have felt triggered a lot actually. However, my other sister helped me regain a sense of peace, because she mentioned her and her man were equally not pleased by this situation and he has urged my sister, to actually say something about it being unkind.
She may have said "All my sisters " instead of just "My sisters" specifically to include you
I know her personality and thus, I know well that she did not mean me at all, because she likes to put herself on a pedistal and thus, throw me off ie being the eldest.

I am told by most regained sisters, that they felt very sad and strange that I was not there and my brother too.

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