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Big interview today


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
Due to the school needing to interview a ton of the people who work with me and go through my IEP and read my reports it took weeks to set up another interview. I was very anxious last time and now they are worried about my "social maturity" so wish me luck I am able to be the highly verbal smart person that makes people think I don't need help haha. I really do feel like I walk upon the thinnest tightrope trying to get people to hear that I need help while also not needing it too much.

I have a few hours before the meeting starts so I am off to get ready and start my day!!
Due to the school needing to interview a ton of the people who work with me and go through my IEP and read my reports it took weeks to set up another interview. I was very anxious last time and now they are worried about my "social maturity" so wish me luck I am able to be the highly verbal smart person that makes people think I don't need help haha. I really do feel like I walk upon the thinnest tightrope trying to get people to hear that I need help while also not needing it too much.

I have a few hours before the meeting starts so I am off to get ready and start my day!!

Just make shore you show them the REEL you my young friend both the good as well as the part you really need help with.

I do wish and hope and strongly believe you got this my young friend . Good luck (crossing fingers)

To me it sounds like they are actually trying to help you as best as they can. If they had that many doubts they wouldn't have bothered taking you in for a second rond & just stopped right there .
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Explain to them that women with autistic neurology still need obvious explanation !when being conversed with ,you are a woman and it makes a difference!, monthly hormonal changes change how you perceive info!
Sometimes it's hard to accept help or feel we really need it but this will take you to being independent and taking care of yourself which we do graduate too. Kind of like being on a giant ship and we all jump off. Some of us struggle for the rest of our life. Some of us struggle and end up swimming or dog paddling. And some of us actually make it to shore and live out the rest of our life. But the big part is leaving school and taking care of yourself. So get help now so that you to will be another success story here at the forum. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Please post back and let us know how it went. We are rooting for you!:)
Thank you I will! I of course won't really know for a little while how it really went but I will be sure to update after based on what I thought. It's supposed to be an hour with a bit long for me to converse but it will be good for the purpose of them getting to know me.
I officially got invited to visit!!!!!
She explained who I would meet and what a day looks like and said she would email my mom with dates to fly out!!!
Whoohoo! Thats great!
Told you (wink) You're in my young friend CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had 0 doubts that you would get in (cool face )

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