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Big problem


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd share what's going on with me lately and open to any positive ideas. I already hinted a bit at this before but here is an update.
It would seem I may well be facing Christmas in a bit of a mess financially. Basically, I've been unfairly forced out of my job by a very high standing manager who evidently has some sort of a grudge. I don't know this guy but have been told by more than one person it is definitely a personality issue. The snag is I've been an agency worker for almost a year and, so far as I'm aware, agency workers can be dismissed if the company management asks the agency not to send you to work. In such a case, either the agency will defend you or (as you can imagine) quietly remove you to make life easier for all).
My agency told me they consider me to be a very good worker and that they would try and sneak me into work in the hope it would die down. I was asked to change my clothes so this manager wouldn't recognise me and not to look at any of them, just keep working. I did comply but it hasn't worked and the agency now seems to have dropped me.
Incredibly, any friends I assume I had there also seem to have given me the brush off, maybe fearful they could get caught up in any crossfire.
Anyway, the bottom line is I'm not working at the moment yet have done nothing wrong. Time-keeping was fine and my work quota also perfectly O.K. and haven't had time off for sickness. At the moment I'm really very angry and this situation has knocked me real hard. I'm not sitting around worrying but decided to just keep very busy with projects and the only time I worry a bit is sometimes waking up late in the night and dwell on it a few minutes.
I still don't know if I will make some official discrimination complaint or simply move on and do my best to find an alternative income. I believe agency workers can legally be dropped and not claim unfair dismissal but there are laws against discrimination and this I believe is definitely a case of being targeted by one high-ranking manager (he's never spoken to me). I should also add some other people have had similar issues at this company so I'm not a unique victim.
The truth is this is a pattern that so often gets repeated which is why I'd love to find a way to go self employed.
Well, this situation has certainly escalated. I think my family is more worried about it than I am as the truth is this pattern has been repeated so many times before I really do think I've just disconnected from the whole thing.
A friend has texted me quite a bit to say he thinks I should try and approach the people who employ me and work something out and I said I will give it a go but in some ways I no longer care. I just think the way I've been treated is pretty disgusting although I accept there are a few bosses at work who do get on with me O.K. and have been fine.
The official line is aspies often have major issues holding down jobs. Many of us cope fine with the actual work but, for some reason, we tend to make enemies easier. You can get on fine with, say, 80 per cent of the workforce but it only takes one or two management bullies to create problems.
Far be it from me to ever play the aspie card or feel sorry for myself or use aspergers as an excuse to be treated with kid gloves. If I do something wrong I expect to pay the consequences the same as anyone else or be told I have to improve. I have no problem over that. Where I do get ruffled is when I'm just working hard and pulling my weight and suddenly find myself being pulled down and treated unfairly.
In fact, I wouldn't even state I am particularly unpopular. A lot of people quite like me at work or elsewhere. The problem is when you always encounter the smaller percentage of those who dislike you and have a lot of authority in that particular environment.
To be honest most of my energy is now directed towards some means of self employment and looking at reducing overheads and selling and buying on ebay and so on.
Well, this situation has certainly escalated. I think my family is more worried about it than I am as the truth is this pattern has been repeated so many times before I really do think I've just disconnected from the whole thing.
A friend has texted me quite a bit to say he thinks I should try and approach the people who employ me and work something out and I said I will give it a go but in some ways I no longer care. I just think the way I've been treated is pretty disgusting although I accept there are a few bosses at work who do get on with me O.K. and have been fine.
The official line is aspies often have major issues holding down jobs. Many of us cope fine with the actual work but, for some reason, we tend to make enemies easier. You can get on fine with, say, 80 per cent of the workforce but it only takes one or two management bullies to create problems.
Far be it from me to ever play the aspie card or feel sorry for myself or use aspergers as an excuse to be treated with kid gloves. If I do something wrong I expect to pay the consequences the same as anyone else or be told I have to improve. I have no problem over that. Where I do get ruffled is when I'm just working hard and pulling my weight and suddenly find myself being pulled down and treated unfairly.
In fact, I wouldn't even state I am particularly unpopular. A lot of people quite like me at work or elsewhere. The problem is when you always encounter the smaller percentage of those who dislike you and have a lot of authority in that particular environment.
To be honest most of my energy is now directed towards some means of self employment and looking at reducing overheads and selling and buying on ebay and so on.

Your problem is not unique, many of us face these people and always they are very weak minded people with nothing to show for, that sneak into positions like this and they cheat to get that position in the first place.

I am very sorry this has happened to you and yes it has happened to me too, many times the only reason that people simply wanted to impose themselves onto me, wanted to look intelligent in my eyes, but I identified them as the assholes they were right away.
That just does not sit well with them and then they get mad. When you know how inferior they are they get very nasty and attempt to force you into negative situations.
The dumbest people are the ones who are trying to prove themselves by disproving others. Goes without saying that those people do not need to take intelligence tests either. No need, they would not even register on the scale.
These people have mistreated you severely, there is no doubt about that. Aspie or not, that is wrong. And wrong behavior that is done on purpose is criminal.

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