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Well-Known Member
My manic symoptoms:

I share EVERYTHING about myself with others. Especially Aspies or people on the spectrum.

I try not to stop moving sometimes. Movement is better than standing still.

I talk to 100 people a day.

I dress up in elaborate outfits I create where everything matches.

I post 100 times a day, sometimes 200.

I need to say something, and keep talking, even if I have to repeat myself or say inconsequential things.

I collect stuff. Clever phrases to say, cheap clothes, makeup, hair accessories, facts about other WP members and other people with ASDs, quotes, little packages of salt and sugar and butter and pepper and plastic utensils, anything I can collect.

Depressed symotoms:

I don't get out of bed. I stay in bed 24/7. My bf brings in food.

I don't have anything to say.

Unloading the dishwasher is a workout and I almost pass out.

I want to stay in the shower forever but the water runs cold.

I eat candy; it's my drug addiction.

I take my pills... they're on my bedside table. Only thing I remember to do.
My bf keeps telling me I'm bipolar but now he is trying to convince me I'm schizophrenic. I did things like paint his house and tie my hair completely into knots and sneak into the United States to live with him, and that, but he had to keep reminding me of each thing I did because I kept forgetting. First I said I had cyclothymia. He maintained that I was bipolar. Then I said I thought I had bipolar type 2, not 1, but he insisted I had type 1 like him. He has hardly done ANYTHING but they and he insist he is bipoalr type 1. He did come to get me and drove for 2 days straight across the country to get me without sleeping, and he was, with my help, going to start a school, a church, a business, a charity, a website, a group home, etc. But then he got me pregnant. He did have grandiose thoughts tho and so did I. But now I'm okay with the fact that I probably won't be famous for my scientific/mystical/religious/psychological theory.
Actually, I can see both bipolar and Schizophrenic traits. You obviously have manic and depressive episodes, and you also seem to have the common paranoia of everyone being against you. Obviously it's really hard to say over the net, but I have a pretty good track record of noticing people who are bipolar (9 times out of ten when I ask the person says yes), and you have me stumped. Seems like there may be about 4 or 5 possible psychological diagnosis for yourself, perhaps 2 or 3 combo diagnosises (more than one can be diagnosed if no other disorder matches the symptoms).
My first girlfriend was bipolar. When she was manic she would say inappropriate stuff, like telling anyone who would listen how she shagged Tom Jones (twice) when she was 17 - that would be about 12 years ago now. She would sometimes put butterfly clips in her hair and dress/act/speak like a little girl, call me "Uncle", stuff like that. The depressive episodes were scary, to put it mildly. At a guess I would say that her IQ was about 170, she was the smartest person I have ever really known.

Ana54, what you describe sounds exactly like bipolar. You need good people around you to keep you safe when you are down. Comparing aspergers (at least to the extent that I have it) to severe bipolar disorder is like comparing a hangnail to bone cancer.
You need to watch Life of Brian (monty python) and have a laugh ^^

It's february, a happy day for many (today), and humans (especially we who live in the cold north) are naturally depressed cause they lack the D vitamin and other biological chemicals that normally make us happy. Fortunatly, we live in a time where you can buy synthetic stuff, go buy some and start enjoying life =) (vitamin D pills for example)

Oh, and candy is great when you're down, just dont eat too much and remember to brush your teeth ;)
My depressive episodes were the scariest. The acute ones were where I saw black holes and feared I would get Locked-In Syndrome (look it up). The chronic ones were where I just lay around. I lay in bed staring at the wall all day and slept all night. Stan came in and told me that it might be more fun for me to lay in bed staring at the TV instead of the wall. I told him that I couldn't concentrate on the Tv. He told me to watch something stupid. I told him I couldn't even concentrate on anything stupid.
Post only if you're in or if you have a serious question about depression or serious support. :P

My story: respect for me is contingent on how normal I act, but normal isn't me. Sometimes I feel better than normal, other times worse. I need to do something big, and I'm going to eventually. But big things are so far away for me. I don't even know if I will have my own apartment soon, or ever finish revising my book even tho I'm 75% done. Then I have to type out the other one, the fictional one, which I'm only 30 pages into... but it's not good enough to get published, so this one I'll just show off on here I guess! I should ask the admins here to make a creative writing forum. I'm afraid, tho, that they'll say "Only you want a creative writing forum." Nobody else here seems to.

I forgot to take my Abilify today... took my Wellbutrin late too... by the time I realized I hadn't taken my Abilify it was almost time for the next dose. I was also off it for like 7 days.

The "readaptation center" is ALWAYS closed or on a break when I call, and I don't know how to leave a message and actually save it onto their answering machine. They might have given instructions, but they're in French. I am also worried that the center is too into trying to make us normal rather than helping us be ourselves. I will not accept any "normalizing" treatment I don't want. I will ask them for help on my terms only, and if they don't deliver, I can just turn around and come back home... after telling a few of the other clients why I'm dissatisfied with the place. :shiftyninja: I did that at a mental ward I was in once. I told the other patients of what rights they would have had as a psych patient in the US, got some of them a bit indignant, and all day long I put complaints in the suggestion box. I was supposed to be there for a court-ordered 30-day evaluation but they let me out after 7 days... I was a liability. :D :P

I am still very embarrassed about an embarrassing moment with a friend today, even tho he told me a more embarrassing moment of his when he saw that I was embarrassed and felt bad for me. But I feel better now that I took my Wellbutrin about an hour ago. I feel like I have the energy to do anything. Unfortunately, I don't know how to get started.

I'm glad I don't feel like lying in bed all day anymore and I hope I never go back to that. I'm also scared that after dealing with me during my first pregnancy, Stan won't want to have another baby with me. He's probably thinking about Andrea Yates, how they told her not to have any more kids after her second... or was it her first? Andrea Yates was in Harris County, btw, just like us.
I feel also like, what if my friend from YouTube isn't even for real? What if he's a fake trying to get me to confess my whole life to him and then he can use it to humiliate me? After the Sinsboldly scandal on WP I'm suspicious of everyone.

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