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Birth Order and Asperger’s

Hmm, I appreciate your enthusiasm here, though I'm unsure the order has much to do with it. I'm the eldest of two, and am almost certain I'm the only child to have AS (unless it's extremely mild in my sister).
I am the oldest and both my younger brothers are also aspies.
All my kids, 2 boys, 2 girls, are on the spectrum as are my grandkids.
I was second in the birthing order...there are five of us,three boys and two girls...I am the only autie in that batch...my father is suspected to be autie,my grandfathers are all suspects and my sister has a suspected son...he was born before his sister who is NT
Hmm, I appreciate your enthusiasm here, though I'm unsure the order has much to do with it. I'm the eldest of two, and am almost certain I'm the only child to have AS (unless it's extremely mild in my sister).
I'd have to see multiple studies done on this subject before I start believing it's a factor, to be honest. I'm a twin, and my brother is neurotypical. I don't think it's had any sort of affect on me as a person on the spectrum.
I am both my parents' first-born. None of my younger siblings seem to have autistic features.

And I still think the main deciding difference between the respective pregnancies was that my mother smoked heavily during her first, but none of the other pregnancies were completed that way.
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I'd have to see multiple studies done on this subject before I start believing it's a factor, to be honest. I'm a twin, and my brother is neurotypical. I don't think it's had any sort of affect on me as a person on the spectrum.
Ooh, that's interesting. Are you identical twins?
Yeah, the key word here is "brother." ;)

I wish I had a sister in addition to my brothers, though (one is my half-brother).
Yeah, the key word here is "brother." ;)

I wish I had a sister in addition to my brothers, though (one is my half-brother).
Ah, true, hehe. Don't know much about twins, so good to know :P
Well, identical means that the twins are the result one zygote splitting in two to form two embryos, so yeah, science dictates that they have to be the same sex.

But since I'm a fraternal twin, I am one of two separate embryos.
I'm the eldest of 5 (3 brothers and 1 sister (deceased)). With the exception of my youngest brother (who has 2 low functioning non verbal children), the rest of the clan claims mental illness does not exist. Anyone claiming that they are bipolar, etc. are considered to be liars and deserve to be thrown in jail to rot away the rest of their unnatural lives.
I'm the oldest of three and the only Aspie. My youngest son is a Aspie and his older brother is not. In our family, birth order does not seem to matter.
My mother was married 5 times, had children with three of those husbands; 3 with first marriage: at age 17 or 18 my mom had my only brother (moms oldest), and twin sisters born 3 years after my brother to same husband.
2 girls (2 yrs apart from one another) with second marriage, with whom I believe the father/moms husband was 22 or more years older than my mother (in fifties and she in her late twenties/early thirties) for whom my mother was widowed as he passed from a heart attack, leaving her a widowed mother of five by the time she was thirty.
(Two other marriages I know little about and no children from them)
then her last marriage was to my father (in which my parents did end up divorcing after 16 years of marriage, I was 16 years old). My mother was pregnant with me when my parents got married (mother was 42 years old, father was 50.)and then 4 and a half years later had my younger sister Rachel (mom 46 yrs old, dad 55 yrs old).
My mother was my dad's third marriage, 2nd with children. His first wife and him had three girls, which between both my parents would leave me with 8 sisters (1 full, 7 half), and 1 brother (half). One of my dad daughters (for whom would be my oldest sibling and dad's first child) died at age 23 before I was born of lymphoma.
So, my apologies for the long explanation, there's not exactly an easy way to explain lol. So I'm the second youngest, of 10 children all together. (9 girls, one boy.)

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