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Blabbering Problem

Hey everyone,

How's it going? Today I had something on my mind that I felt like sharing with you guys. I feel that I have a blabbering problem. You see, I feel that there are mainly two sides to me ; a serious side and a goofy side. The serious side thinks things though and usually tries to predict multiple outcomes of everything that I might say before I say it. Ironically, when I am in serious mode, I talk less and listen more. Then there is the goofy side. The goofy side of me rambles on and on about random topics and has no point in conversation except to just talk and be heard. At first, I felt that this was just a problem with maturity but now at 27 years of age I realize that this may be something deeper. Usually, when I start to blabber I get really excited and I cannot control what I say and how long I am saying it. Usually after I calm down, I realize that I have made an idiot of myself and feel embarrassed about the whole situation and how childish I acted. The strange thing is, when I get in this excited goofy mode, I usually cannot even hear my own thoughts. Like I am losing touch with reality for a short period of time. When I am in serious mode, it's like there is this other voice guiding me, telling me what do, and giving me great advice on how to solve anything that might come my way. Just putting this out there to see if anyone else on this forum has experienced similar feelings in social situations. Thank you for your time.
Yeah, I can relate a lot to that.

Ive calmed down a lot now, and the silly episodes are not as full on, but I still get the same feeling. Mostly when I've had a drink now.

If I had to guess why, I'd think it was to do with bouncing high and low neurotransmitters. I've just had my genes tested and I have mutations that cause serotonin and dopamine to fluctuate.

Maybe a bit bi-polar-esque.
Yeah I do this, and always feel like a twat afterwards.

Me too, exactly the same.

Me too, and coupled with a memory that can play back scenes exactly decades later I seem to have a back catalogue of F ups ready for revival at any time.

Yeah, the brain is a ridiculous thing some times. "Oh hey, I see you're feeling pretty good. How about we remember that thing you said from 15 years ago that made you feel like a total d**k?" :rolleyes:
Me too, exactly the same.

Yeah, the brain is a ridiculous thing some times. "Oh hey, I see you're feeling pretty good. How about we remember that thing you said from 15 years ago that made you feel like a total d**k?" :rolleyes:

I hope you do not mind that I found this post so funny I actually burst out on a real, audible laugh. I cannot add anything to this post because it's perfect!!!
so,let me get this younginnovation-you are saying you waffle on alot?
i waffle on when it comes to typing,because i cant 'self edit' ,ive never seen it as a maturity thing at all.
I get incredibly talkative when I'm excited or happy. I crank up the tempo and just keep on talking like an energizer bunny on amphetamines. Sometimes I catch myself doing this, other times my friends just tap me on the arm and tell me to shut up for a bit because I'm annoying. (It's okay, I trained them to do that, it's feedback for me and prevents me from making a total ass of myself :D)
I crank up the tempo and just keep on talking like an energizer bunny on amphetamines.:D)

Good analogy.

I've felt like that before and have had occasions when the batteries have run out suddenly, mid-monologue and I just stop and look around at a bunch of people staring at me with their mouths open.

Mumble mumble.
Exit stage left.
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I monologue constantly.... My favorite type of conversation is "trading monologues" with people. I also go off on 10 million side tangents and then get back to my main point, which I then repeat a thousand more times.
I do that too...
If I find someone looking at me sideways, I tell them it's not talking to myself. It's Shakespeare. Soliloquy.
Yeah, I can relate a lot to that.

Ive calmed down a lot now, and the silly episodes are not as full on, but I still get the same feeling. Mostly when I've had a drink now.

If I had to guess why, I'd think it was to do with bouncing high and low neurotransmitters. I've just had my genes tested and I have mutations that cause serotonin and dopamine to fluctuate.

Maybe a bit bi-polar-esque.

Thanks for the reply. I take something to balance out my serotonin but I still get these fluctuations. You might be right and we may both have bipolar ish symptoms. Nice to know it's not just me going through this.
Me too, and coupled with a memory that can play back scenes exactly decades later I seem to have a back catalogue of F ups ready for revival at any time.

I can remember embarrassing situations back from middle school and a fight from second grade and I'm 27 years old. Yeah. Perfect timing. o_O:D
so,let me get this younginnovation-you are saying you waffle on alot?
i waffle on when it comes to typing,because i cant 'self edit' ,ive never seen it as a maturity thing at all.

Haha yeah I guess you could call it waffling. Sometimes I can't self edit. Other times I can. Makes me feel like two different people. Thanks for the reply.
I get incredibly talkative when I'm excited or happy. I crank up the tempo and just keep on talking like an energizer bunny on amphetamines. Sometimes I catch myself doing this, other times my friends just tap me on the arm and tell me to shut up for a bit because I'm annoying. (It's okay, I trained them to do that, it's feedback for me and prevents me from making a total ass of myself :D)

True. Sometimes my people tell me the same things. But I didn't train them like you did. You got it good. Thanks for the reply.
Good analogy.

I've felt like that before and have had occasions when the batteries have run out suddenly, mid-monologue and I just stop and look around at a bunch of people staring at me with their mouths open.

Mumble mumble.
Exit stage left.

Sometimes I think about my brain freezes but the hardest part for me was forgiving myself. It was hard to tell myself that I wasn't perfect and that I could make a mistake. Since growing up, some kids used to call me retard and distance themselves away from me once they realized that they couldn't physically harm me. It made me self conscious about any mistake that I made as an adult. Now I might think about it for a little while but then tell myself that a little social blunder was not really that important in the first place and that tomorrow is another day. :D Thanks for the reply.
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I monologue constantly.... My favorite type of conversation is "trading monologues" with people. I also go off on 10 million side tangents and then get back to my main point, which I then repeat a thousand more times.

You know actually one of my new years resolutions a few years ago was to condense things. Thanks for the reply.

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