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Bongo's AMA (Inactive)

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Why do you go to a store and buy trash bags knowing full well that eventually you will place them in the trash too?
Is there a problem, @BongoMan? Have the silly jokes offended you? In which case I'm sorry. I can also ask serious things, but don't know very much about you yet.
That is not the case, @BongoMan. I have now deleted the jokes.

By the way, there are a number of serious questions others have asked, that you could respond to if you wanted.

Sincere apologies if my posts made you uncomfortable.
It's OK. You're new here. It's actually a nice forum. Some of us have odd senses of humour. Mine provides me with a steady stream of endorphins, but only if it works for both sides. ;)

Lots of kind, caring, interesting people here - that's why I have stuck around. Cyberspace can be a cesspit, but I think this is a good example of an online community. Mind you, we're not perfect - I'm certainly not.

Anyway, we're happy to have you! :)
It's OK. You're new here. It's actually a nice forum. Some of us have odd senses of humour. Mine provides me with a steady stream of endorphins, but only if it works for both sides. ;)

Lots of kind, caring, interesting people here - that's why I have stuck around. Cyberspace can be a cesspit, but I think this is a good example of an online community. Mind you, we're not perfect - I'm certainly not.

Anyway, we're happy to have you! :)
We are doing our best to be the best, but as you have already stated, we are still all human ;)
Many of the replies to this thread have demonstrated

A. what happens when a topic is not clearly defined
B. a sense of play, based on being literal

I think what the OP had in mind by an AMA thread
was to offer straightforward, non-jokey replies to
questions a person might typically ask someone
they've just met.

Things like:
What is your favorite color, book, beverage, aroma, animal etc....
What do you like to do in your spare time? etc...
Many of the replies to this thread have demonstrated

A. what happens when a topic is not clearly defined
B. a sense of play, based on being literal

I think what the OP had in mind by an AMA thread
was to offer straightforward, non-jokey replies to
questions a person might typically ask someone
they've just met.

Things like:
What is your favorite color, book, beverage, aroma, animal etc....
What do you like to do in your spare time? etc...
I take full responsibility for this.
@BongoMan, it's OK - sometimes things just go pear-shaped without anyone meaning them to. Then we can try again and do better next time! Sometimes a silly mood in one person collides with a serious mood in another, etc, and not seeing body language doesn't help.
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