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Building Social Tolerance


Active Member
I've spent my entire life wondering why people have such a difficult time grasping concepts that come to me so naturally. Are they dense? Do they not care? Completely baffled me.

It wasn't until about a year ago that I realized that I might be a bit smarter than the average bear, and it was just in the last few months that it began to occur to me that maybe I'm a bit different. Diagnosis confirmed, I guess I'm textbook.

As I get older, I find myself less and less tolerant of stupidity. I work at a small business, more or less. My coworkers in particular are driving me batty. One tries but admits her limitations, one is even more limited but at least she's nice. The other three are dumb as rocks, old, and mean. I just rescued a customer from one of them. My coworker was insisting the poor woman didn't have an account with us when she actually did. Coworker just can't figure out how to run search parameters.

It's already bright, noisy, occasionally stinky, and completely overwhelming. Feeling like the only competent one here is exhausting. How do the rest of you deal?
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