I don't know much about asexuality. I've assumed it was more likely than not hormonal imbalance but the literature I read says that often people think they're asexual because of a hormonal imbalance but that if hormone replacement balanced it out of the person, they weren't asexual. That in the cases, less than 1%, hormone replacement doesn't alter it the lack of attraction and there isn't much evidence that sexual trauma is the cause, those are asexuals.
Now I wonder what the evolutionary purpose of it is for the species because there is one or it wouldn't be here. The question dovetails off of a conversation my wife and I were having on the way to my father's home as to the possible evolutionary purpose of Aspergers in the species.
We didn't get to finish our discussion but were on the possibility given the traits, that it could be that those with it both push the boundaries of their "tribe" driving movement outside of the norms which creates new ways to allow for tribe survival as well as pulls back unwaveringly to those boundaries of the Sacred. Both creating a push and pull dichotomy between the individuals with it and majority who don't have it.
Your unwavering goal focus not being distracted by such things when applied would fit that dichotomy as well.
I haven't developed the thoughts well enough nor researched it to claim I believe that.
You don't have to discuss it if you don't want. Just putting my thoughts down on it.
Well. You opened a can of worms lol. But I have been meaning to talk about this on here anyway!
I honestly don't think that anything hormonal or sexual is the case (speaking for myself here, not others, since I think I have only ever met two other people who were asexual, in my entire life, and everyone's individual experience is unique) or sexual trauma either.
I don't want to discuss any of this in great detail, but I HAVE had sex before, and there was a point in my life where I tried "exploring" sex (independent of anything assault/trauma related) and I just didn't care for it. Like, not interested, not really engaged, and didn't find it fun or pleasurable. I just simply don't enjoy it.
I'm not bothered by people talking about sex or making sexual jokes or anything. I find dirty jokes hilarious, actually, for the most part.
Some asexuals are really bothered or put off by discussing sex or intimacy, even in a joking manner, but I have no issue with people talking about it around me.
I don't find anyone or anything sexually appealing, only aesthetically appealing, and I don't care for intimacy, if that makes sense. I'm not crazy about kissing or holding hands or anything either, but I DO like cuddling and hugging (with trusted people, not strangers/hookups.)
But I'm not a relationship person, at all, which kind of goes back to the "goal driven" thing. I have never been in a relationship, nor have I ever tried to seek one out. It just isn't a priority for me and I don't think it ever will be...
My dogs are my main priority, they come before everything else, and they come before me as well. I feel unconditional love and pride and empathy for my dogs, and for all dogs. My other priorities are things like home ownership, having a career that I enjoy but still making reliable income (I have mentioned a lot that I own a business), being involved in hobbies and special interests and hanging out with people who enjoy the same things, being active in the outdoors (I am outdoors almost all the time and people joke with me that I only come home to sleep lol) being creative whether it's art, music, photography and video, etc, and making my friends and family happy and doing nice things for people and animals. I enjoy doing things that benefit the community I live in too (even though some people have been less than kind and welcoming to me.)
When I was a child and a teenager, I had fantasies about getting married or having a boyfriend, but I think all little girls have fantasies like that and they clearly didn't mean that much to me since they were never acted on.
I had recently been talking to a guy for a while, but I ended up feeling kind of "meh" about him and decided I liked him more as a friend. He wasn't too happy about that so we are not talking any longer. :/
Even though I don't develop romantic or sexual feelings for people, I do develop strong emotional connections with people. I feel extreme empathy for those that I care about and can become very protective of them. So I'm not like emotionally closed off or antisocial or anything like that, by any means. And I know that not wanting a relationship can come across as being self-serving or strongly prioritizing myself over others, or being cold and unfeeling, but neither of those are the case for me.
If I have a friend or a family member that I care deeply about I will do everything in my power to express love and empathy for that person. I can definitely come across as standoffish or not affectionate, since I am very distrustful of most people, but underneath that is not the case. And "distrustful" doesn't mean "hateful." I'm not happy with how people are as a whole and I think a lot of them are kind of bad, but that doesn't mean I don't feel empathy for human beings, and I don't reserve actual hatred for them either (although it might appear that way sometimes since I have strong emotional reactions to people being mean or doing things that I perceive as morally wrong.) Hope that makes sense.
Well, I didn't mean to just unload years of therapy into a couple of paragraphs lol but there ya go. And I think I'm not only asexual but probably aromantic too. Although I experience empathy and platonic love and family love very strongly (often to my detriment since I sometimes have trouble letting go when I am being taken advantage of or manipulated, since I care about the person.)
Hope that explained it in a way that kind of made sense. And sorry if that went off the rails or was weird.