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By knowing more how brain works


Well-Known Member
We are then having break through for future medical purposes.
Soon to be will be proposed that treating symptoms need not always apply, such as psychiatric drugs seem to make it better but have no concrete foundation into why these drugs work. Many of drugs not tested, approved or understood for bi-polar or schizophrenia etc.

What is endocrine system and how does it work....(first rule is yes hormones, but no not testosterone or maybe combination affect)
IMG att


  • Screenshot_20240204-025747.png
    278 KB · Views: 28
Example of how above image mixes and how emotions relate to hormones


People who suffer from traumatic events and/or are raised in abusive environments are less in tune with other people’s emotions. These impactful events interfere with the development of certain neural pathways in the brain, which causes issues in the release of hormones and manifests in the form of anti-social behavior. An increased production of testosterone and lower levels of serotonin result in behavioral patterns that appear aggressive and impulsive in individuals.
However, of all cortical regions, the frontal lobe contains the highest density of serotonergic terminals and 5-HT receptors [13]. These studies indicate that 5-HT regulates cognitive and emotional functions that rely on frontal cortical activity.

The frontal lobe is part of the frontal cortex. It is a part of the brain that plays a role in memory, attention, judgment, and other vital functions. Damage to the frontal lobe can occur as a result of dementia, a traumatic injury, multiple sclerosis, a brain tumor, or a stroke.

Neurological disabilities include a wide range of disorders, such as epilepsy, learning disabilities, neuromuscular disorders, autism, ADD, brain tumors, and cerebral palsy, just to name a few. Some neurological conditions are congenital, emerging before birth.

Serotonin is a chemical that carries messages between nerve cells in the brain and throughout your body. Serotonin plays a key role in such body functions as mood, sleep, digestion, nausea, wound healing, bone health, blood clotting and sexual desire.
My theory is:
Despite ASD 1/2/3 diagnosis that hormones have large part to play. Hormones keep us young, hormones combine other hormones to create emotions and behaviour and of course reproduction.
But social requires different mindset, it's arts and dance or sports and theatre and emotions. Intellectual capacity is usually associated with geek, less physical in sports, less social distractions.
less social distractions
less social distractions
Less preoccupation with sex, dominance and all the behaviour and social distractions associated with sex hormones (testosterone)
So despite ASD 123 diagnosis and high functioning based on masking....those that are operating left brain won't click to social and well my theory is more a-sexual the higher the IQ (based reasonable doubt)
Repeat testosterone has little to do with intelligence, it has more to do with arrogant behaviour, dominance, insensitivity and uses more existing technology but doesn't create own ideas. So no testosterone doesn't do that!!!
Animals procreate based on heat factors, and female just bend over to winning male....human hormones are more complex in the courting ritual, but also affect overall concentration and behaviour and therefore display lack of intelligence found in human evolution, which differs from animals because whilst animals do evolve and have sex it's not the same humans, humans who behave less like animals and procreate in public or just obsessed with it tend have lesser IQ
Some humans have higher emotional IQ than other people and most people learn mimic their whole lives.
Sad part is you social reject and live different life
I'm leaving forum to Persie my hermit life and dwelve into spiritual aspects I neglected in my life.
I wish everyone well.
I'm not saying people are stupid based on asd, can still be smarter than normal but strong tendency to believe a-sexual people have brains operating on left more due to less distraction of sexual input
Animals that live in packs (pack mentality) and it is governed by pecking order, and respect somewhat similar to humans. Pack animals tend to show less signs of evolution, they simply remain in packs as means of survival.
So with regard to copying an animal for human benefit well um, we wouldn't get anasthetic from a lion!!!
Spiders being most complicated sex creature, and toxins and anti-social behaviour, females seems to be controlled by survival instinct to sacrifice herself for offspring survival

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