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Can anyone else relate?


Active Member
This is a poem I came across. And I relate to it very much. It is how I feel when plans change, or major things change in my life. Does anyone else relate?

Change by Wendy Lawson

Change, change and more change
Of context, place and time
Why is it that life's transient stage
Plays havoc with my mind?

You said, "We'll go to McDonald's"
But that was just a thought
I was set for hours
But the plan came to naught.

My tears and confused frustration
At plans that did not appear
Are painful beyond recognition
And push me deeper into fear.

How can life be so determined?
How can change be so complete?
With continuity there is no end
Security and trust are sweet.

So, who said that change would not hurt me?
Who said my 'being' could not be safe?
Change said, "You need continuity"
In order to find your place.

For change makes all things different
They no longer are the same
What was it that you really meant?
All I feel is pain.

So true for today. Sometimes change is hard, and sometimes it's not the change itself that is hard, but the security and trust and risk involved. The stress of it, especially when others are dependent on you.
Heh.. change... in a way I'm not as problematic with change anymore I think, but I can relate to it quite a bit when I look back over a year or so ago.

Over the past year, and maybe more specific, in the past few months, I've learned to not hold onto set plans with my dear life.

Perhaps it's a relatively bleak outlook that things don't last anyway, that made me realize that expecting things to not change is hardly realistic, especially when dealing with other organic "factors" such as people.

The only way to make sure I don't get stressed out from pending change is to make plans and act on them right away and keep the goal in mind. That in turn might make me erratic, but it also means that I make plans and execute them right away and don't even give time the window to implement change.
I can certainly relate to the suggestion of going to MacDonalds not being adhered to and being frustrated - that which is a casual suggestion for someone else, not to be taken literally, for me is a promise that has to be kept.

I can deal with change if I've prepared for it in advance, but not sudden changes of plan.

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