Jared Jacobson
I used to believe like some claim, that Asperger a and autism are not bad things that happen to you but are simply
Different ways of being. I wonder now how anyone could say such a thing which seems so naive and irresponsible. Can anyone in here truly say that their condition has added to their life rather than inhibiting our chances of happiness. If we can’t all be Rain Man, Lizbeth Salendar, or Forrest Gump, then how many of us, when we aren’t
Kidding around or striking a pose, would not take the cure to be rid of this condition? Can anyone here say that we aren’t better off NOT being awkward, not being strange, not being able to read the society around us, not being inhibited from relationships or achievements or just a life that
Makes sense? For pity sake, who?
Different ways of being. I wonder now how anyone could say such a thing which seems so naive and irresponsible. Can anyone in here truly say that their condition has added to their life rather than inhibiting our chances of happiness. If we can’t all be Rain Man, Lizbeth Salendar, or Forrest Gump, then how many of us, when we aren’t
Kidding around or striking a pose, would not take the cure to be rid of this condition? Can anyone here say that we aren’t better off NOT being awkward, not being strange, not being able to read the society around us, not being inhibited from relationships or achievements or just a life that
Makes sense? For pity sake, who?