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Can't sleep, dentist'll eat me.


Active Member
I have a dentist's appointment in 6.5 hours and I'm terrified of the dentist in general, but also my teeth are in really bad shape and I'm going to need a lot of work done so I'm also scared because of how much it's probably going to cost and of the recovery process. My parents are helping me pay and I'm also scared it's going to be cheaper to just get dentures and that's what I'll have to do. I really just needed to type that out so I can try and sleep , but any tips on getting into a better dental care regimen would be greatly appreciated since that's why I'm in this situation in the first place.
I have a very simple solution to fears about going to the dentist - I don't! I haven't been in years. I'm also worried about the materials they use for fillings. I have very healthy teeth and rarely have problems. But I guess if you have bad teeth which need treatment, you have to go - if you don't, you could have further, more serious problems down the line. I did once have a filling, and it was painless, but the drill makes an unpleasant sound, so you might want to take earplugs. The dentist told me that I needed the filling because I had a cavity at the back of my mouth where I hadn't reached with my toothbrush while cleaning, and since then I have been very careful to reach all parts of my teeth with the toothbrush. Kids toothbrushes might be better for this because they are smaller.

Apart from that, the usual care - regular brushing, mouthwash, flossing perhaps. You could ask the doctor for tips when you get there as to how to best look after them.
Take care of our teeth becomes a habit, and then it's easy to keep up. I like the electric flossing brush from Oral B.
I HATE the dentist.. I brush the living hell out of my teeth every time I get a chance. I think the reason is that I don't like people touching my face, rather than the obvious pain that going to a dentist entails.

Good luck!
My dentist is kind and adept.
I thank him for making my teeth so that I
can use them to eat.
Dental infection is one of the leading causes of cardiac disease. The constant infection is hard on the heart, and you may not even know you have a dental issue until your heart is damaged. Best to see the dentist!
I so hear you. Hate dentists with a passion. Had 3 teeth removed due to acid erosion for reflux and that so scared me, I swapped to natural toothpaste and now, rarely suffer a toothache.

Teeth are not in great shape, because I used to suck my thumb and so, they are rather crooked, but other than that, they are not too bad.
Was not taught as a child to brush my teeth, so I didn't develop the habit, and I detested the terrible, burning taste of toothpaste.

Eventually I did develop the habit, and now use toothpaste that I like that doesn't burn my mouth. It became part of a nightly routine, in which I brush my teeth and wash my face.

Usually after one or two dentist visits, it becomes easier to go and you are less fearful. It's more fear of the unknown, when you go to a new place and meet new people. After the first time it becomes a little easier afterwards.

It's a good thing you're doing, for yourself.
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I just had this "dentist thing" about a month ago...and I was dreading it so bad...
I also made a post over it... I couldn't sleep, my stomach was upset... It sucked but I made myself sick over it, for no good reason...

All will be fine... They are good with what they do. I have to go back soon, but I don't dread it near as much now. I got past that horrible initial fear it seems, and my guess is you will also... : )
My dad was a dentist and I had terrible teeth so it was a good thing he was. But the bad part was that after he was no longer able to work on me I had to go to a new dentist for the first time in my life and I was very uncomfortable doing so. I have moved a lot too so have had to see new dentists regularly throughout my life. Now I'm used to it. Many dentists nowadays seem aware of people's fears and are gentle and reassuring. Some even specialize in treating people who fear dental work. One I went to had the imagination to put nice nature pictures on the ceiling of his exam room. So I bet it will be nowhere near as bad as you are imagining.
Getting into a routine to brush and take care of your teeth is important too and I bet you can establish one if you associate it with other things you do first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed.
I have a dentist's appointment in 6.5 hours and I'm terrified of the dentist in general, but also my teeth are in really bad shape and I'm going to need a lot of work done so I'm also scared because of how much it's probably going to cost and of the recovery process. My parents are helping me pay and I'm also scared it's going to be cheaper to just get dentures and that's what I'll have to do. I really just needed to type that out so I can try and sleep , but any tips on getting into a better dental care regimen would be greatly appreciated since that's why I'm in this situation in the first place.
just tell them about anxiety, they are much kinder than DOCTORS are they were really bothered that I was asthmatic.
and I'm telling you money is worth less than your health, when you've lost your health you have no idea how much you envy people that have it .
Nothing against dentists personally, I just hate going to the dentist. They do very important work and it really helps my overall quality of life to have healthy teeth! But alas, my sensory issues do not like hands and tools around my mouth, gums and teeth. My dentist knows I'm autistic and tries to be gentle with me.

Before I was diagnosed, when I was a kid I accidentally bit a dentist! :eek: Was pretty embarrassing, I was eleven or so. It must have been a reflex?
Maybe facings is also an option? I have them for my fronth teeth because they were in a bad shape too. Especially because brushing my teeth felt like a nightmare from hell. I hate toothpaste and I cant stand electric toothbrushes because it makes my nose itch till the point I want to scratch myself untill I bleed. Those two combinend were my nightmare. Right now I have solutions.

Also talk to your dentist about your autism. Because it can affect your personal hygiene. It also cqn makes you faster afraid of things. Just straight up tell them. If they dont give a better treatment for their behaviour if it is bad, then find another dentist. There are more people in that field then just the one that you go to. But there are also some dentist that are specialist in people who are anxious, maybe that is an option?
Thanks guys! I went today and it was fine. I have a bunch more of them ahead of me, but I'm going to go back and read this thread beforehand and it'll make me feel better. :)
Maybe facings is also an option? I have them for my fronth teeth because they were in a bad shape too. Especially because brushing my teeth felt like a nightmare from hell. I hate toothpaste and I cant stand electric toothbrushes because it makes my nose itch till the point I want to scratch myself untill I bleed. Those two combinend were my nightmare. Right now I have solutions.

Also talk to your dentist about your autism. Because it can affect your personal hygiene. It also cqn makes you faster afraid of things. Just straight up tell them. If they dont give a better treatment for their behaviour if it is bad, then find another dentist. There are more people in that field then just the one that you go to. But there are also some dentist that are specialist in people who are anxious, maybe that is an option?
A good call. I did end up telling him about it, and I'll probably need a combination of facings and crowns.
I have a very simple solution to fears about going to the dentist - I don't! I haven't been in years. I'm also worried about the materials they use for fillings. I have very healthy teeth and rarely have problems. But I guess if you have bad teeth which need treatment, you have to go - if you don't, you could have further, more serious problems down the line. I did once have a filling, and it was painless, but the drill makes an unpleasant sound, so you might want to take earplugs. The dentist told me that I needed the filling because I had a cavity at the back of my mouth where I hadn't reached with my toothbrush while cleaning, and since then I have been very careful to reach all parts of my teeth with the toothbrush. Kids toothbrushes might be better for this because they are smaller.

Apart from that, the usual care - regular brushing, mouthwash, flossing perhaps. You could ask the doctor for tips when you get there as to how to best look after them.
I'm impressed by your oral health! I am indeed stuck going because one of my front teeth fell out and the rest of them suck in general but I've definitely employed your strategy before.
I HATE the doctor. Can't stand it. But, it's better to go regularly then go when you absolutely have to. This is the way I see it.

If you go regularly:
-Bigger chance that your problems are minor
-Minor problems cost less money
-Minor problems require less time at the office.
-Minor problems require less immediate check ups. So you don't have to come again in a week.
-Minor problems are less stress

If don't go regularly then minor problems might become big problems. Big problems are not okay.

So, I think it was good you bit the bullet and made a visit to the dentist. :)
I have always hated going to the dentist, but didn't use to look after them very well either. Consequently I've spent a hell of a lot of money and now have a mouthful of crowns.
Now, I force myself to brush with an electric toothbrush twice a day and use a high fluoride toothpaste. I haven't had a cavity for many years now, but have had some gum problems. Have recently bought a water jet flosser and find that really good also. I have learned the hard way that a little prevention beats the hell out of the cure!

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