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car phobia, anyone

I actually love to drive so don't think that I have a car phobia. I do, however, have a weird phobia of buttons, the kind that are attached to clothing. I cannot tolerate them touching my skin, and dont really like to even look at them. The only buttons that I even have on my clothes are on my jeans and a couple of jackets.

Does your phobia include trucks and busses? Are you able to drive or ride in cars?
I actually love to drive so don't think that I have a car phobia. I do, however, have a weird phobia of buttons, the kind that are attached to clothing. I cannot tolerate them touching my skin, and dont really like to even look at them. The only buttons that I even have on my clothes are on my jeans and a couple of jackets.

Does your phobia include trucks and busses? Are you able to drive or ride in cars?

i'm not afraid of buses, because if you have an accident in a bus you're much less unlikely to die than if you're in a car. something about trucks scares me, though, dont know what it is. maybe i think all truck's owneres are reckless people and reckless drivers. i apologize to anyone who's reading it and happens to be a truck's driver. right now, because i think about truck's drivers, i feel slight apprehension.
i cant drive, because i dont know how. i can sit in the car when someone drives, but on the highway, especially at night, especially if it's crowded, i feel fear enough to irritate me and annoy me, but not enough to paralyze.
it helps a lot to know how long the ride will take, otherwise i'm plain miserable. knowing how long it'll take, as exacty as can be, gives me a sense of control.
on one of the very, many jobs i've had, i took the minibus home, and i was scared because the minibus drove in a narrow road where many trucks were. if there are many buses on the road instead of cars, and especially if it's trucks, i get more scared. the minibus went around trucks. i was very nervous every time i took it. so i got a library book and read it the whole time and wasnt scared at all anymore.
I actually love to drive so don't think that I have a car phobia. I do, however, have a weird phobia of buttons, the kind that are attached to clothing. I cannot tolerate them touching my skin, and dont really like to even look at them. The only buttons that I even have on my clothes are on my jeans and a couple of jackets.

forgot to add. could it be your problems with buttons are sensory issues?
I?m going to have to say that I have what would be termed a phobia of cars; however I feel it?s more precise to distinguish it as a fear of drivers.
I have a background in being in accidents at the fault of drivers whether this has been as a pedestrian, cyclist or a passenger. Not entirely there fault I admit ; ]

It seems to me that I would probably die in the event that I had an accident as the driver of a vehicle and so I don?t drive, despite owning a car that I keep registered, ostensibly to give me the necessary incentive!

This fear is based on an escalation of a few contributing factors such as the fear itself, damage done and healing time between; add into this the gain in strength of the various accidents, from being hit by a car in my teens while riding a bicycle, to being run over by a truck in my late twenties as a pedestrian. I firmly believe that it is due to the rise of road rage and the need to feel safe via 4WD that people are becoming inured to even the most basic of road rules, kick in a lowering of the age around here, for obtaining a license and watch as the road toll climbs.

So yeah, quite possibly a phobia of cars or have I just blatantly disregarded the question in favor of a quick ?old man? moment :lol:
Well, I'm not afraid of cars, per se, but I am slightly afraid of crossing the street. I always have to wait, and wait, and wait, until I see absolutely NO cars coming from either direction, and even then, I have to sprint to the other side.
Well, I'm not afraid of cars, per se, but I am slightly afraid of crossing the street. I always have to wait, and wait, and wait, until I see absolutely NO cars coming from either direction, and even then, I have to sprint to the other side.

i'm a little like this myself...
I have to walk like a boss. Like throwing my hands up and making sure that they just don't pass me and make me feel like I had an NDE.
who has a fear of these? I mean they're awesome

I'm the opposite to you I love cars I can't wait to drive. its not likely I can drive a mustang any time soon (cops would hate me plus I'm scared I could crash it)
I don't like moving cars when I'm not in one for much of the same reasons I don't like to be near horses, elephants, or cows when there isn't a sturdy fence nearby. It's a big hulking thing and I have no protection from it if it goes a bit nutty.
Because of clumsy movement, and not so great at walking at the best of times, I fear cars for the reason I believe that I'll probably end up having one of those moments (clumsiness akin to piloting oven gloves) and get myself run over :D

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