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Card for co-worker with Long COVID


Active Member
I have a question. One of my co-workers has Long-COVID and sadly now after 2 years, it's clear that he's not able to come back due to health reasons. We're having a get together moment next week, another co-worker suggested that we each also write him a card. But I have no clue what someone writes on a card to a co-worker that can no longer come back to the job he loved so much? I know it's the thought that counts, but still.

Does anyone have a clue what to put in there? I really like the dude and feel really bad for him...
There's a couple of different themes people use for this, or combinations of themes:

Expression of sorrow that he has found himself in this situation.
Expression of regret that he can't come back to work and is missed.
Expression of hope that things will be better for him in the future.

Try to make it bright and cheery if you can, the poor bugger probably has enough misery in his life at the moment.

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