I am, presently, taking CBD oil. It was, initially, recommended to me, by my doctor, who takes it. I take it for both, anxiety and relief from pain and inflammation, due to a physical injury. In regard to some of the inquiries and concerns mentioned, above; the high strains of the plant contain little, to no THC, which is the chemical in the plant that causes the psychoactive effect that people can experience, whether inhaled, ingested or by other means, and, indeed, as Major Tom mentioned, smoking it can lead to disease.
I am finding it to be, extremely, effective, in that, stimuli that can generally cause me to become anxious, has had far less of an effect on me, and, the pain I had been experiencing, has completely, subsided. The only drawback I have experienced, is; as of yesterday/ I have been feeling tired. One should not feel tired as the result of taking CBD oil, thus, I am hoping to sort it out, via adjusting the dose. I began taking it, six days, ago, both, orally and topically. Indeed, as others have mentioned, it is used to treat other conditions, as well, such as certain types of epileptic seizures, prevention and reversal of cancer cell growth, depression, psychosis, longevity, nerve pain, organ health, endocrine system functioning, the nervous system and more. My brother-in-law, no longer experiences insomnia or effects from insomnia, as the result of taking CBD oil, and, another family member has been utilizing it for anxiety, for several months, and has expressed that it has, in large part, changed the quality of his life.
I obtained mine by way of an initial, written recommendation made by my osteopath/general practitioner, of which I had to take to a specialist, who determined the dosage I would benefit from, and he ordered it from an online source. My family members purchase it at Erewhon Natural Foods, and their results appear to be similar or the same, or perhaps, better than mine, although, I have only, just begun taking it, so who knows what the future holds.