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Center of attention


Still here...
Do you like being the center of attention, like for a celebration? Do you enjoy, for example, having a party on your birthday? Or a celebration for some accomplishment?

I used to think I did. Somehow in my mind there always seemed to be the POSSIBILITY I would enjoy it, so I would look forward to that kind of thing. But the actual event rarely turns out to be something that actually feels fulfilling and relaxing and fun. When it's just DH and our kids, it's fine. But pretty much anyone else, and I feel way too self conscious.

But then...I feel badly if I avoid letting them make a fuss on my birthday, and I feel badly if they just don't seem to notice or care (which has happened fairly often, too). It's like I'm wanting something that's impossible for me to receive, and that's frustrating for everyone.
I don't celebrate my birthdays, and I avoid parties wherever possible.

My friends organised a surprise party when I was 40, was a bad idea.
Being the center of attention for me depends on the reason why I'm the center of attention. I'm not the type of person for birthday parties, especially since you're pretty much subjected to whatever others have planned out for you, and there seems to be this notion of responding in a certain way.

However, in the past I've performed on stage as vocalist for local bands, and that kind of center of attention kind of stuff I don't mind at all.
Absolutely not. So much more difficult to make a quick and discreet exist when you are truly the object of attention. Besides, I've spent much of my life with just a nebulous feeling as if the spotlight was on me, even when it wasn't. An uncomfortable feeling for me in general.
I don't know anymore. No one visit me for my birthday. But I still enjoyed myself. I seen many animals for my last birthday.
I really do not mind. I enjoy public speaking, weddings and parties. It does seem to be better however if it is not mine.
i never had birthday parties. well i did when i was 13 but i had no friends and all of my twin brother's friends came so i was just left out like i always was/still am. I've never been invited to any parties either. i think its best that i'm sort of a loner. i always want attention but nobody gives it to me.
Do you like being the center of attention, like for a celebration? Do you enjoy, for example, having a party on your birthday? Or a celebration for some accomplishment?
Is this a trick question? Heheh.

I do NOT like being the center of attention. The most attention I like on my birthday is snuggles from my husband, maybe a quick text from relatives, and that's it. But I don't argue if the family wants to go out and eat, I am a glutton at heart! But, I am putting some thought to teaching some small classes, and I have performed well in similar cases if it was brief and with people I knew. Perhaps I could tolerate being the center of attention if it was a situation I was in full control of then. Parties and celebrations I'm just kind of along for the ride, but I'm the hood ornament.
I hate being the center of attention no matter what the situation. Even if its just a birthday party with my immediate family i still feel a little self conscious. Nevermind big parties - my mom wanted to throw me one when i graduated highschool, and me being me i can't tell anyone no. I ended up hiding out away from everyone playing videogames upstairs with my friend. Most of them were church people anyways, cause we went to church back then. None of them really knew me that well anyways, nor me them. It was awkward. Then of course for my birthday a while later - a few years maybe - mom wanted to throw me a big party and i'm like no please no. But of course i told her yes. Fortunately she seemed to pick up on it and didn't throw me a big party. I haven't had a birthday party with anyone other than my immediate family since i was a preteen and for good reason. Even then its nothing major - go out to eat, have cake, and open presents. I don't like being the center of attention at work, either. I can go through the motions, following my script w/ every customer, but the moment a customer gets mad and i have to deal with that, and break my script, and come up with a proper reply, i get really uncomfortable. It rarely ever goes well and I usually end up shutting down for a bit afterwards.
I despise holidays and birthdays including my own because they are required to attend and I have to pretend to like it.
At competitive events I love being the center of attention... in fact I thrive on it because it is on my own terms and I'm not forced to play a role.

I tested the waters last year and joined in on brain damage advocacy to bring hope to others with my same plight. That spotlight puts me in charge once again and I use humor to draw attention while delivering my messages. To me it is very important to stress that losing hope destroys their drive to become better.
Being the guy that delivers the message of hope is a wonderful spotlight to be in ;)
Um, does chat rooms count ? I sort of like being the hilarious guy who gets everyone laughing. Only thing is, it's easier in a chat room than in real life.

I hate B-days and when people sing the ole birthday song to me as I stand there all awkward-like and dunno if I should laugh or whatever :/
Birthdays and things are fine and I am fine being the center of attention.

Talking to others, I don't want to be. But sometimes I think when talking to others, I act like I do. Everytime I say something about myself I worry it comes across that way. With luck and prayer, I can sometimes get them talking about themselves so I don't have to worry about saying the right or wrong thing.
I am very happy being the centre of attention ... as long as it is on my own terms, and I am in control.

I do NOT like being made the centre of attention.

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