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Change of routine


Well-Known Member
I have a history of difficulty with changing routine. I've heard it's an aspie thing. Right now I'm trying to solve the issue of eating at my computer desk since I've been having to get a new keyboard every few months because they get so cruddy and the keys stick to the point where I have to dig out the crud with a toothpick.
Sounds more like a habit of eating at the computer desk.

Instead of buying a new one, see that you get one that can easily be cleaned and eventually one that can be opened. I kinda have a habit of eating at my desk sometimes, though I tend to clear out my keyboard every once in a while. Take the keys off and put them in soapy water, get all the sand, crumbs, hairs and whatever collects in there out of the mechanisms. Saves me a lot more money rather than going out and buying a new one every once in a while.

I remember reading somewhere that a keyboard probably is way more unsanitary than most places, including toiletseats.

As for routines and changing them; it seems to be an aspie thing, though it's not like all aspies have a big problem with it. I for one don't like routine that much and prefer to change up things quite a lot to keep it interesting. Habits might be a different thing though... that's convenience. I'm not going out of my way to find a new spot to eat something everytime I'm having a meal to break routine or habit on purpose, lol.
Yeah, I guess it is more of a habit.

I have a chiclet keyboard now, which is supposed to be less prone to getting stuff under the keys.
Compressed air is good for blowing out crumbs & dust, also you can find silicon keyboard covers that are easily removed & washed.
I always have bad routines like staying on the computer until 5 am because I don't get interrupted by my parents and I have all that necessary alone time for myself, and If I change my routine I can't sleep at all. The bad thing is that I am expected to be up at 9 am so I haven't been sleeping much for the past 2 months.
I like a nice, observable routine. I like to know in advance where I will be. If I'm going to be spontaneous, I like to be spontaneous in my own way, on my own time. Planned spontaneity??
I like getting up at exactly 8:59 each morning. I then put on my slippers, turn on my computer, and stand by the door until my clock reads 9:00. Then I leave my room.

I shower at 10:40 or 10:45, after which I have my daily 24oz of Coke Zero or Pepsi Max.

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