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Children talking


New Member
Have you ever seen small children 4-6 years old on TV being asked questions and how literate, and socially they are speaking and explaining themselves? I was never like this, neither in adulthood I compare myself with them and can see that they possess a social competence I never had, neither then nor now, and even now I feel inferior to small children's ability to socialize.

I was always joyful and wanted to be the best, but I could never please my mom, to talk to her about what happened at school, what I did, what was fun during the days, even though I loved her the most and wanted to be next to her as much as possible, somehow I couldn't story tell my days.

My social bond with my parents was to be interested in what they were talking about, money, work ... and mask myself in being like them. I couldn't adapt to my peers, my cousin was 1 year younger than me, playful and immature, but I was too much based into rules, as you can't be immature around me. Basically, I couldn't adapt to others, I was myself, and I thought everyone needed to be like me, as this was the only way to be. I remember one day I even roughed up my cousin gently, because he was goofing around with our friend, and I just didn't like the goofiness, as it made me feel like a baby having to look at them. He started to cry, and told his parents, and that created a situation I couldn't explain myself well out of.
Ironically, I seemed a lot more intelligent and well-spoken as a child than I do now. When I was a kid everyone was always really impressed with how "smart" and "knowledgeable" and "advanced" I was, and now I have trouble expressing myself properly and no one really bats an eye at anything I might be "knowledgeable" or "educated" about. Figures. Lol
Have you ever seen small children 4-6 years old on TV being asked questions and how literate, and socially they are speaking and explaining themselves? I was never like this, neither in adulthood I compare myself with them and can see that they possess a social competence I never had, neither then nor now, and even now I feel inferior to small children's ability to socialize.

In your defense, they probably had a script. Even if it was portrayed as 'real', they had some help for sure.

Most kids, especially nowadays, have almost no attention span whatsoever (there are plenty of exceptions, of course, but in today's world that requires a very high parenting capability). My parents' generation said the same thing about my generation (and likely they were correct) but it has clearly been in steady decline for a long time. Without a script and some acting skills, they can hardly stay on topic... even when it's a topic that supposedly interests them. They seem to thrive on the next novelty way more than their current desires or what they have in the moment, and I think this is also only going to get worse as time goes on.

When I was a kid, I was always told I was 'smarter' than others (simply because I kept to myself), but there was literally no reason for this; I've always had average intelligence in a world full of people who claim to be geniuses or above-average in intelligence (everyone I know is a genius, what are the odds?). Even now, if I try to discuss interests with people, mine are always 'too complex' or just 'too technical' for others to understand, but more than likely it's just my inability to orchestrate my thoughts correctly enough for other humans (especially NTs) to accept. Although, I definitely communicate better with the ND crowd, probably due to something nobody understands quite yet.

What can we make of all of this? Most things are just a facade, or at least that's what I've come to believe. People make things up because they want to stroke their ego or something, but mostly we're all in this together, and our experiences aren't too far off from one another (give or take x amount). But, as humans, I think we're kind of tricked into believing our experiences are somehow super unique and novel, or that nobody can ever understand us when in reality, most people are probably feeling the same way.

So the next time you feel inadequate or dumb... I'm right there with you.
I remember one day I even roughed up my cousin gently, because he was goofing around with our friend, and I just didn't like the goofiness, as it made me feel like a baby having to look at them. He started to cry,...
Ve don't [insert practice here] in KAOS...! :cool:
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