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Choosing Xbox Series X or PS5


Well-Known Member
I am trying to decide between Xbox Series X or a PS5. Currently I am playing Lies of P and Resident Evil 4 on my MacBook Pro and it is wonderful but there are only about ten games in the App Store and the ones I try for macOS on Steam crash.

I want to be able to play AAA games with very good graphics like the ones I have been playing. I am new to gaming. Is one console better for AA games? I already have a PS4 controller for use with my Mac, so I looked at the PS5 but I did not know games could cost $60 and that is too much. Xbox has a kind of subscription that would let me play for less money but maybe Sony does too, I do not know.

I would like opinions and advice please. Thank you.
Is a gaming PC or laptop out of the question? As if you want AAA games with the best graphics and framerates, then PC remains the peak.

I had the latest Xbox and I sold it within a couple of months as the framerates and graphics weren't up to the standard of my PC. Although the plug n play aspect to consoles is appealing. As PC games can require some Googling and tweaking to get the best performance.

Is a gaming PC or laptop out of the question? As if you want AAA games with the best graphics and framerates, then PC remains the peak.

I had the latest Xbox and I sold it within a couple of months as the framerates and graphics weren't up to the standard of my PC. Although the plug n play aspect to consoles is appealing. As PC games can require some Googling and tweaking to get the best performance.


Thank you very much. I have a fast gaming PC. I don't want to turn it on because it gives off so much heat and it is so hard to just play anything on it. I want easy. I found out two weeks ago that there is gaming on a MacBook Pro and I tried and it was great. Using my AirPods the sound was great and the screen is excellent and I can start and stop playing a game in seconds any time I want. So much easier.

I am sorry you did not like your Xbox enough to keep it. I wonder if it would look good enough to me on my HDR tv, it has a games setting.
I don't play games on consoles and have never owned an Xbox product, but if price is a consideration, I'm pretty sure cheap Xboxes are more abundant than PS5's. GamePass (on Xbox) is also a significantly better value in terms of games than the PlayStation subscription offering. Just be aware, that though the Series S model is cheaper, I've heard that it has problems running several games, so a model X would likely be better.
I don't play games on consoles and have never owned an Xbox product, but if price is a consideration, I'm pretty sure cheap Xboxes are more abundant than PS5's. GamePass (on Xbox) is also a significantly better value in terms of games than the PlayStation subscription offering. Just be aware, that though the Series S model is cheaper, I've heard that it has problems running several games, so a model X would likely be better.

Thank you 🙂
Could you say more?
I'll be honest and say it's due to personal bias on my part - I've played PS1, PS2 and PS3 (not played PS4 as it was too expensive and I'm not as much into gaming now as I used to be), so I naturally gravitate more towards the Sony products in that regard.
I've played Xbox and Xbox 360 in the past but I never really connected with either console. As such, you might decide the Xbox series is better for you. One thing to note, however, is that Xbox is apparently planning to go "full digital" with its games in the future - while Playstation and Nintendo won't be doing that until a few generations later according to this article:
Analyst: next-gen Xbox to go full digital, PlayStation and Nintendo a few generations later

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