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Compulsive deleting


Well-Known Member
I have a history of compulsively deleting stuff. For example, I once deleted a ballgame because it was late and I assumed Dad was going to bed, only to have Mom suggest they watch it (they had already watched a hockey game, so I figured they wouldn't want to watch two games in a row). I told them I'd deleted it, and of course they were upset. Stuff like this has happened throughout my entire life.
When in doubt, ask if it's okay. I only delete recordings I've made myself. I leave everything else up to my dad, who records programs all the time. Perhaps it's time for you to adopt the same policy.
I agree with Ereth; ask them before you're delting stuff.

On the other hand; why would you delete something someone else recorded at all? Perhaps I'm a bit more "private" in that sense, but I don't see how it's anyones business to delete my recordings (or most likely even it's not their business to go through my recordings in the first place).

From the opening post it sounds like you're assuming a lot because that's the way it works for you. I'm like that as well, but I never involve other people with my assumptions.

Besides, if it happens all throughout your life, wouldn't you at some point decide it's better to not delete things (of others) to avoid confrontation or disappointment?
I also tended to have the assumption that they didn't care about so-and-so program anymore.
I do that, I record so much on my tv, but then i go in and delete it all because i feel it needs to have more room, and i end up not watching any of the stuff i recorded. i do that on the living room too when it starts to be full, i go in and delete only for mom to be upset i deleted something (i try and only delete thing that say they have been watched) she didnt finish watching or something.
I've deleted stuff when the DVR gets close to being full, albeit unfortunately without asking permission first. Also, I've had the compulsion to record History Channel documentaries galore, only to cancel them because there are only so many I can watch. I fould a few 90s Disney Channel cartoons on one channel for awhile, but I couldn't keep up so I gave up after awhile.

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