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Coping with change


Active Member
So I’m about to go through a positive change (a job promotion) but it’s at a different site in a different city with all new people.

The past week I’ve felt like I’ve been zapped of all my energy levels from being my usual energetic self. That being said I think I’ve gotten over the worst of it now and my panic levels are definitely on a decline to be able to function more like my usual self although I can tell my current colleagues can notice something has been off but just not quite what.

What I’m trying to get around to is how do you deal with change? Something that is new to you? That you don’t know what to expect/have all the answers to?
It's never easy for me. I always play as many scenarios as possible in my head, usually instead of sleeping, and try to be ready for any potential issues. I check out the new environment using Google streetview so that I feel comfortable when I arrive. And take deep breaths. I'm not sure if that is helpful, as everyone is different.
Slowly. No, really. I have gone through some big changes and I don't really have any good advice, except let you know that it's normal to be anxious about it. Acclimating will take time, and not doing everything right immediately is nothing to be ashamed of.

I wish you the best.
How do I deal with change? Poorly. Generally some idea of what to expect helps, but that's not always possible.

Do you know anyone at your new location? Any contacts, people you've worked with via email in the past who could show you around your new city when you arrive?
How do I deal with change? Poorly. Generally some idea of what to expect helps, but that's not always possible.

Do you know anyone at your new location? Any contacts, people you've worked with via email in the past who could show you around your new city when you arrive?
Nope just 2 people via e-mail from the application process who seem really nice to be honest. I currently have lived in the city with my partner the last 8 months so that’s not the issue it’s more the new work setting and meeting new people outside my local area/work group who I get on with really well regardless of my ups and downs and sometimes quirky behaviour.
I'm fine with some changes and not others. Moving to a new city and starting a new life was something I always looked forward to, an adventure, excitement. But when the supermarket stopped selling the only deodorant I liked....

Property managers of the place I live in installed a brand new modern kitchen for me last year, I still don't like it.
After having to do the work of changing myself, even when I didn't know I have ASD, I sorta' lost fear of change. In fact, I got adept at spotting opportunities that I was able to do a good job with, and could define my responsibilities or move into a new position. Within a month of starting at my last employer, I saved them $400,000 a year then was sent to the UK to audit their process validation to prepare for a regulatory inspection. I ended up in demand by project teams, working worldwide.

I think that changing initially I saw as a victory and not knowing that there was any barrier in my way so lost my fear.
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Change sucks, period. I take downtime to work thru anxiety. With the hurricane, l have had to learn about roofs, building permits, unscrupulous repair people, and lots of uncertainty.
Can you breakdown maybe what feelings are filtering thru at this point about the job promotion, the good, the so-so stuff?
I love change! When it’s entirely by my design, and completely in my control :blush:

When it is put upon me, or unexpected, I too, can struggle very much. Sometimes, curiosity is enough to keep me calm. Curiosity in either the bigger social dynamics happening or perhaps the tiniest details to maintain focus on less anxious things. When forced into so much newness, perhaps curiosity can be a calming guide.

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