Studies say we have a shorter life expectancy, and the stress hormones is why in my opinion and many others on the forum as per another thread on life expectancy and autism.
I had to look for more evidence for this after reading this.
I have certainly read of in the past about autistics dying earlier than non autistics. I have even read of reported life expectancy into the 50s which gave me concern when other members of my family who were young identified as most likely autistic.
I knew of other potentially autistic people in my family who also appeared with several symptoms, but were eldery and in relatively good health, so started to question for those nearest and dearest to me as well who I was concerned for as well.
I looked into this quite recently and read the below..
Our results suggest that there are greater risks of co-occurring physical health conditions and complex health needs across the lifespan among autistic people compared to non-autistic people. This may be due to biological contributors (e.g., genetic or hormonal) to risk of these physical health conditions and/or due to social/economic issues related to negative life experiences, stigma, as well as poorer self-reported healthcare quality. Importantly, no singular cause of the poorer physical health of autistic emerges from the existing literature or the present study,” the study authors concluded. The article is based of the one below it-
Increased rates of chronic physical health conditions across all organ systems in autistic adolescents and adults - Molecular Autism
Obviously there are diagnosed people with autism now who are in the 80+s. They may have enough weath to get the health care they need and are not living in poverty and can get decent nutrition. They also appear to have the wits about to get themselves the medical attention they need. Anonthy Hopkins is an example of this.
I had to look into today further to see where are at agreed about lower life expetancy. There does indeed appear to be accoding to the articles in reduction in life span among autistics. This doesn't cause to me feel pleasant to post it, but it is reality. However, it is not as bad as first assumed, but still not great with the projections they have given. If you are intending to stay around some time, do what you can to give yourself a better quality that you can.
Before, the research I will add that I have often been found to have a higher than normal ESR in my bloods, which can be used to get a gauge of inflammation in the body. Also, CRP can be used an indication of inflamation markers and thankfully mostly mine back in ok despite my raised and sometimes very raised ESR.
I also do wonder if those old style aspergers had better life expectancy than someone say with Autism level 3 now.
The facts on where we are with life expetancy today according to research-
Research into the life expectancy of autistic people in the UK
Autism Life Expectancy: What Parents Need to Know [2024]