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Crazy teaching?


Well-Known Member
I understand that much of the teaching is: teacher says that beginners should do particular exercises and the student should just accept it and do the exercises like that even if they are not helpful.

But I prefer this one: teacher choosing exercises and ways of doing them because the teacher actually care about analysing the student's problems.
I see this bothin group and private lessons.

Do NT people like the first way of teaching? Do we need the second way because we have ASD issues? Do we need to tell a teacher that the first way wont work because we have ASD? What has worked for you?
I understand that much of the teaching is: teacher says that beginners should do particular exercises and the student should just accept it and do the exercises like that even if they are not helpful.

But I prefer this one: teacher choosing exercises and ways of doing them because the teacher actually care about analysing the student's problems.
I see this bothin group and private lessons.

Do NT people like the first way of teaching? Do we need the second way because we have ASD issues? Do we need to tell a teacher that the first way wont work because we have ASD? What has worked for you?
A decent teacher will find and give various strategies for most tasks but sometimes it is not always possible in a full class with various learning formats. I got trained to apply different learning methods in one class, and try to incorporate that in whether or not a student is SEN or not.
In my schooling even into college I only ever saw teachers as making demands and judging my compliance. Only in very few cases did I see them as guides through the subject matter. I think that I probably learned more in the three years I was a research assistant in molecular genetics and a TA in a Micro. lab. My attitude also changed when much later I took courses in Statistical Process Control and Statistical Design of Experiments. Being trained in the compliance model of FDA good manufacturing practices, I finally found something that can better assure quality of drugs and devices.
my thinking is that teachers can be really bad at seeing how "simple/easy" exercises might not actually be that easy for a student. I guess people with ASD learn better if exercises are broken down into smaller exercises. It might look like we are on a certain lever but still need to break down an exercise into two or three exercises.
What I think most teachers do is saying to themselves: let's just give the student some exercises and hope it will work. Let's not analyse the issues the student has (cause that's too much work for me).

Most teachers don't really analyse a student. Many teachers think they can skip that and just give exercises. They think the most important thing is repetition rather than going through a student's problems.
I have heard that people with ASD need much more than just the repetition that the NT people need.
Another thing is: if you have such a teachers you must deal with your problems alone. Why then do you have a teacher? You are given some exercises and must find a way to use that info in order to deal with your problems. You must be able to do that on your own and never think what the teacher gave you is enough.
Most teacher can't be trusted!
What do you think!
I actually had a speech therapist in high school who tried to help me become more social using these worksheets that had questions on them. That would have been quite useful if the worksheets weren’t written for a first grader. Some examples of things that I was literally expected to come up with responses for “Why can’t you keep a turtle in a refrigerator?” and “My baby brother can eat with his hands!” It was so hard not to write down really sarcastic and snarky answers given I was a 15 year old and this is what the papers thought a normal conversation was for a much younger person. There was also one that said “Sarah has a new baby sister” and my first thoughts were A.) How young was Sarah’s mom when she had her given this was supposed to be said by someone my age which would be 15 or 16 and B.) if the mom wasn’t very young when Sarah was born then how old was she now because someone in their late 40s giving birth isn’t that common. The crazy lady that helped raise me was making me read these stupid things out loud to practice my social skills and work on my speech impediment and got really upset when I refused and said it was stupid because the papers really were for someone my age. The speech therapist retired and I showed the new therapist these worksheets because I told her how ridiculous it was that I was supposed to use them as a basis to develop social skills and as if they are normal conversations for someone my age. The new speech therapist just looked at the papers and she literally exclaimed in shock, “Wow these are really stupid!”
I actually had a speech therapist in high school who tried to help me become more social using these worksheets that had questions on them. That would have been quite useful if the worksheets weren’t written for a first grader. Some examples of things that I was literally expected to come up with responses for “Why can’t you keep a turtle in a refrigerator?” and “My baby brother can eat with his hands!” It was so hard not to write down really sarcastic and snarky answers given I was a 15 year old and this is what the papers thought a normal conversation was for a much younger person. There was also one that said “Sarah has a new baby sister” and my first thoughts were A.) How young was Sarah’s mom when she had her given this was supposed to be said by someone my age which would be 15 or 16 and B.) if the mom wasn’t very young when Sarah was born then how old was she now because someone in their late 40s giving birth isn’t that common. The crazy lady that helped raise me was making me read these stupid things out loud to practice my social skills and work on my speech impediment and got really upset when I refused and said it was stupid because the papers really were for someone my age. The speech therapist retired and I showed the new therapist these worksheets because I told her how ridiculous it was that I was supposed to use them as a basis to develop social skills and as if they are normal conversations for someone my age. The new speech therapist just looked at the papers and she literally exclaimed in shock, “Wow these are really stupid!”
Very interesting. Why did you even keep going to that speech therapist?
A lot of teachers have already chosen what exercises will work before even meeting the person (patient or student). It's like they think there are some magic exercises that exist.
What happens is that we don't focus on analysing what issues and what we need to work on.
Some are helped by this method but it will be much harder to get helped.
What I think is going is this: some therapists or teachers don't know how to help beginners or people with certain problems. Just giving exercises means that a teacher might not know how to help you. Some can only help people who are not beginers, ie being on medium or advanded level.
Some students dont want to work on their problems. Just want a quick fix but you will get stuck if you refuse to deal with your problems.
Very interesting. Why did you even keep going to that speech therapist?
A lot of teachers have already chosen what exercises will work before even meeting the person (patient or student). It's like they think there are some magic exercises that exist.
What happens is that we don't focus on analysing what issues and what we need to work on.
Some are helped by this method but it will be much harder to get helped.
What I think is going is this: some therapists or teachers don't know how to help beginners or people with certain problems. Just giving exercises means that a teacher might not know how to help you. Some can only help people who are not beginers, ie being on medium or advanded level.
Some students dont want to work on their problems. Just want a quick fix but you will get stuck if you refuse to deal with your problems.
She was employed by the school. It isn’t as if I could switch therapists.

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