Darth Binks is real.
I was at a funaeral just three days ago, it was a complete nightmere for a guy like me, but I suprissingly held it together with duct tape and crazy glue to spare. I brought my notebook. A lot of thoughts come and go through my head when situations get overstimulating. The noise was a big factor. I just started to jot the points down, and conected them together into poetry. I would not have been able to do anything like what i did, wat that speed if i were just focused in alone at home, instead of being pressured by stress. the weird thing was, for a coping mechanism, it didn't help all that much, the harder I worked, the faster the thoughts came in, adding both to my ovestimulation, and my focus.
after the day was done. i came out with two poems. One that I quickly wrote to the family closest to the... dead person and one writen at the family dinner, after eating way to much food.
do you guys have a link between stress, foccus and creativity? It most likely this isnt something unique to me. i hear some people work best under stress. a close deadline, or a screeming boss actualy helps people get stuff done. i am going to exparament some more with overstimulation and how it can possitively affect me