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Well-Known Member
Do any of the fellow autistic / asperger syndrome people in here, find alcohol, makes / helps them feel "normal"? Like they can actually go out and socialise? Or carry on a "normal" conversation. Like alcohol is a form of "medication" for them? Please dont misunderstand here, im not condoning alcoholism , im curious to see others perspective on this. As it helps me when i drink a couple. Not to get drunk and "all over the place" but it certainly seems to "reverse" the asperger effects. Also on alcohol i can actually "feel" and also convey that feeling across to people. Where normally im quiet and have no real "idea" on how social situations "work" and they are simply to much for my senses to process. Alcohol definatly , for me, helps allot with sensory issues
I don't drink myself, but I've certainly heard this before. Also for people with Social Anxiety. ... However, keep in mind that the alcohol will eventually "bite you in the ass". It's not a long term solution. (Also an experience I've heard happens a lot.)
How alcohol affects me depends on the situation. If it is a happy situation, I feel happier. If I am already down, it makes me feel sadder. If I am a bit tired, it helps me sleep. It enhances whatever I'm in the mood to do anyhow.

Alcohol is known to release inhibition. It has also been used as an excuse to do something a person wanted to do but wouldn't be forgiven if they did it while sober.
I can't go near it.
I can't say, I've never drunk alcohol in my life, but what you say is I believe true for many people in general, that they relax more with a drink or two (not to get drunk)
Not into alcohol myself either.

I haven't read it, but Sarah Hendrickx and Matthew Tinsley have written a book on the topic of Asperger's and the use of alcohol. Here's an article they've written that also includes a link to the book itself.
Not into alcohol myself either.

I haven't read it, but Sarah Hendrickx and Matthew Tinsley have written a book on the topic of Asperger's and the use of alcohol. Here's an article they've written that also includes a link to the book itself.
Thank you
I don’t take alcohol, but I do remember when I did it making it easier to socialise sometimes, to a point. It seemed to dull or numb, slow everything down.

Haven’t used it for years. Makes me nauseous now. I’m not sure if I ever really liked it. Peer pressure and fitting in. Doing something ‘grown up’, and a kind of thrill to use it underage (didn’t need ID in pubs back then).
Do any of the fellow autistic / asperger syndrome people in here, find alcohol, makes / helps them feel "normal"? Like they can actually go out and socialise? Or carry on a "normal" conversation. Like alcohol is a form of "medication" for them? Please dont misunderstand here, im not condoning alcoholism , im curious to see others perspective on this. As it helps me when i drink a couple. Not to get drunk and "all over the place" but it certainly seems to "reverse" the asperger effects. Also on alcohol i can actually "feel" and also convey that feeling across to people. Where normally im quiet and have no real "idea" on how social situations "work" and they are simply to much for my senses to process. Alcohol definatly , for me, helps allot with sensory issues
Tried that route, thought it worked at the time. In retrospect, it didn't, and just made me look like an idiot.
Pun intended....that's a loaded question! The good, the bad...and the ugly:

But a fair one. IMO I'd have to say yes, to varying degrees depending on the individual. In my own case I'd have to say that enough alcohol definitely helped getting me over some of the bumps in the road when it came to social anxiety. But it's not something you can afford to come to depend on either, given its inherent addictive factors. But every once in a while, yeah...it helped. Of course I don't mean falling down drunk...but just buzzed enough not to be so uptight. A process that for many may take a lot of self-control. After all, not everyone can handle their liquor. Over the years I've seen plenty of folks who just couldn't handle it, with disastrous results.
It doesn't make me 'normal' in the sense of more neurotypical, but it can help to relax me a bit. Too much just makes me drunk and gives me a hangover or migraine. Not worth it.
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I am curious. Are there alligators in the sewers? Has anyone here investigated this particular issue?
I can't see a specific record of that in Los Angeles, but apparently it happens, some sewers are originally enclosed rivers and link to rivers, so I guess it's a possibility they could swim in. Apparently temperatures would need to be relatively warm for them to survive.


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