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Dancing alone at home with the curtains closed

Does anyone else still dance alone at home with their hairbrush/deodorant cans or whatever as microphones and not stopped doing it since being a kid and pretending you're on stage? This is me, but I mime so people in other rooms can't hear and I have headphones on. I do it to compensate on not having a social life, to be happier and to increase my confidence. Sometimes I'll dress up a bit. Don't think I'll ever grow out of it.
I wish I could dance! I can sort of bop sitting down, but have no idea when I'm standing up, as my 10 year old son consistently points out.
I do sing loudly in the car though, I started this to exercise my voice, attempting to make it less monotone, now I enjoy it so much I imagine myself in a band, or something.. I don't dress up though, people in other cars stare enough :D
This is what I think I look like:
But I'm told I look like a floundering fish :(
**** yeah!

One thing I've noticed is that lately I catch myself doing it more often in company as well, which I like. All this time spent on my own must have tricked my mind into forgetting about the social conventions I grew up with.
It's most likely a stim too, a way to release nervousness, to deal with the tension of being around people. Even if it's just shifting weight, a tiny sway while I'm following some conversation or so. And as long as there's music on, it doesn't look that weird, and I can have more control over any twitching or rocking about.
That's something I notice when I'm on my own too and there's no music on; my leg might be moving about nervously for instance. Like an orchestra playing without a conductor. Once there's music, it calms down. The rhythm becomes a guide of sorts, taking control of those pesky muscles and freeing up the rest of my mind to focus on what I'm supposed to be doing.

But mostly it's just crazy dancing as an alternative to walking around the house.

Anyway: thread anthem...
It's most likely a stim too, a way to release nervousness, to deal with the tension of being around people.
Suppose it is. Thanks for pointing this out. I do it when I'm nervous or feeling great to release my feelings. I can't dance, but I can twitch and let myself spin about if I want in private.
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I dance and sing while I vacuum the floors, while I mop, while I cook, in the shower, hanging out the washing. Whenever there is music I move and sing :)
I sometimes airdrum, lol. Sometimes I do end up taking pencils and such and start drumming on my desk though... in the middle of the night. My parents love me :D

I don't really dance at home... for that, I'll got to the club, hah. I do sometimes sing along in the shower; mostly do death metal and such... because... yeah, because I can I guess, lol.
I sometimes airdrum, lol. Sometimes I do end up taking pencils and such and start drumming on my desk though... in the middle of the night. My parents love me :D

I had some drumming tuition years ago and used to drum with my drumsticks all the time.. until the neighbours complained and I had to stop:(
I had some drumming tuition years ago and used to drum with my drumsticks all the time.. until the neighbours complained and I had to stop:(

Yeah, that's probably my main reason why I can play plenty of instruments but I can't drum to save the life of me. No room to practice such a thing. Sometimes I fooled around on the drumkit of the drummer back when I was in a band though.
I dance whilst: cleaning our home, cooking and washing up and of course, sing, because I just cannot not sing when listening to fabby music lol. Usually I am at home alone, due to hubby working and so, sing at the top of my voice and dance madly, but never with a hairbrush or such things and never as a child, for to be honest, it was when I turned 15 or so, that I liked this group and from there I loved Pink Floyd and then hard rock etc.

My husband has been home due to having an operation and when he lets me listen to my music on my mp3 player, I try to mime the words, but obviously do a bad job because he complains! He does not like the singer that I guess I am a bit obsessed with ie Taylor Swift lol and says that I mimic her voice (do I)?

I cannot go through a day without some music on; it is the only thing that makes me feel completely human, I guess, but I am horribly self conscious if someone happens to walk in and I cannot relax and wish they would just go! I guess it is this inbuilt thing of not wanting to push myself on another one. No one has ever said I stand too close or annoy them, because I have always kept my distance as I do not particularly like me!

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