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David Jeremiah quote


New Member
I'm not religious but watched some Spiritual TV last month and Dr Jeremiah said something which struck me. He said "You don't have to try and figure everything out. If you try to figure everything out you will be miserable".
That's exactly what I've been trying to do last 45 years and it's made me miserable.
And he read a suicide note from a young guy and it said "Nothing has any meaning. Everything is stupid". That's the way I feel and I want to rise above that and be like I was when I was a child when everything was wonderful. Nothing is wonderful anymore by the time you graduate from high school, imo. Life just becomes survival of the fittest and see who can outdo the other person.
I find lots of things wonderful in the natural world. I pretty much HAVE to have frequent wilderness time to recharge/relax and just get some balance.

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