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Deafness in one ear


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
I woke yesterday morning and realised pretty fast, that I had loss of hearing in one ear and thought it was nearly back to normal early this morning, but no, it is even worse now.

Anyone on here has deafness in one ear and how do you deal with it?
Not deafness, but tinnitus. (ringing of the ear) For which there is no known cure at this time.

If you sense you're profoundly deaf in one ear, I'd think it's best to seek medical attention immediately. While you may not be experiencing any pain, I'd still consider this a medical emergency.
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Not deafness, but tinnitus. (ringing of the ear) For which there is no known cure at this time.

If you sense you're profoundly deaf in one ear, I'd think it's best to seek medical attention immediately. While you may not be experiencing any pain, I'd still consider this a medical emergency.

No pain at all and not profound deafness at the moment.
No pain at all and not profound deafness at the moment.

Yeah, I'm gonna echo what Judge said.

Even if you experienced it only for a very short time, it's worth an immediate trip to the doctor. As in, seriously, step away from the keyboard and get moving.
Yeah, I'm gonna echo what Judge said.

Even if you experienced it only for a very short time, it's worth an immediate trip to the doctor. As in, seriously, step away from the keyboard and get moving.

I wish I could go and get it looked at, but have to rely on my husband and currently he is working.
Sudden deafness is not a normal thing and might be an infection but that would hurt. More likely a wax/dirt buildup. My mother-in-law had those all the time. I've even had them. (You can get them from trying to clean with Q-tips, having dirt get into the ear, or just extremely active wax glands.) Fill a syringe with warm soapy water and squirt firmly into the ear, hold, and let drain. Doing the same with hydrogen peroxide works too.

Wax Blockage Of The Ear Canal Guide: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
I would think that sudden-onset deafness would be indicative of some other medical issue... some people do lose their hearing over time, but it's usually gradual.

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