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Dealing with cyber bullies


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

Once we open up social media accounts or even write to any given forums, we already have targets on our backs once this comes down to trolls AKA cyber bullies. It can make you feel gobsmacked once your their target, the worst you could do is re-act than engage with the trolls since it's their kind of entertainment once you're all fired up.

Even this could happen on these forums too.

I had been cyber bullied before and I am no stranger towards it. That's how I made this video possible understand how I once re-acted than engaged without realising that I was giving the trolls fuel, fire and ammo.
The best way of dealing with this is take them down with facts (thurly researched) if in a discussion

If otherwise bullied DONT back down and again take them down with facts & NOT aggressiveness. If needed of course you can get aggressive BUT the best is remained calm. And if all this fails and you feel this is beginning to drain you leave /block .

I have takend down countless cyber trolls / bullies myself and i have to this date never lost YET.

The last thing any cyber bully want is their mark standing up to them as that takes away the joy the bully gets from doing this. they want their target to be vulnerable and react poorly. As this risks that the target gets support from others stepping in the targets side and turn towards the aggressor.

In general the social platforms and being active and open in them risks you getting targeted. So, after i concluded that open my mouth in public in FB is risking me getting targeted i have gone silent in the open. Rather than me having to waste my time taking down the bullies trying to get me down as i have more then enough problems as it is in my life to have to deal with besides this that i don't need.
No I do not believe it could happen here. At least not more then someone putting up an offensive post that will get taken down fairly quickly, and getting themselves banned if they persist.

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