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Deep sleep. Can you achieve it?

When I'm not particularly stressed or ill I sleep a good 7-9 hours.
There are 2 dreams that I have/had often, I don't give it any extra meaning though.
I suppose I achieve deep sleep... pretty much everytime I go to bed. I don't have any issues sleeping or getting to sleep. However, I will say that I don't really do 24 hour cycles; I'll go to bed when I'm tired, and that might very well be after being awake for 30 hours or so. So maybe my blessing is that while I'm able to have a good sleep, I do so on my own terms, not when society tells me it's bedtime.

I don't have any recurring dreams though. I suppose I"m dodging that bullet since I abhor repetitiveness, lol.
It's rare nowadays for me to reach deep sleep.

I dream every night and I have one dream that recurs monthly since I was about four. Was going to write about it but it seems bizarre and stupid when it's out of my head, mind you I might have mentioned it elsewhere on the forum. Can't remember.
It's rare nowadays for me to reach deep sleep.

I dream every night and I have one dream that recurs monthly since I was about four. Was going to write about it but it seems bizarre and stupid when it's out of my head, mind you I might have mentioned it elsewhere on the forum. Can't remember.

It happens to me as well, although is not as frequent. I was maybe 6 years old the first time I had it, and it's too strange to even explain. I dream about it like thrice a year.

I rarely achieve deep sleep and I have to sleep with a pillow on my ear because I hear absolutely everything. It barely works but at least I can rest a bit.
When I get into a real deep sleep I have dreams. Except for a reoccurring dream that I have, can never remember them. When I wake up I am aware that I was dreaming something, just not what it was about. I very rarely have bad dreams.
I sleep great pretty much every night, but I do sometimes have trouble getting back into a deep sleep if I wake up after 5 hours or so. I also love an afternoon nap. I do have some odd recurring dreams. It's like I pick up where I left off and my dream continues.
Without the medications I'm on, I have trouble sleeping on a schedule. As a child, I never got a full night's sleep. The doctor said I had an "overactive" mind. That would probably be ADD by today's standards.

Nowadays, I sleep just fine, but don't really know how deeply I sleep. I assume it's pretty deep, because nothing except my cats wakes me up. :)

I no longer dream like I did when I was a child though. I used to have vivid dreams that I remembered well, as well as a couple of reoccurring dreams. The medications interfere with dreaming. If I go off the meds for any length of time (like even 24 hours), I'll have very unpleasant dreams and wake up in a foul mood. However, I never had a bad dream when I was a young kid, and the first nightmare I ever experienced was at the age of 13. I think I only had maybe two other nightmares in my whole life.
I dream about different things but sometimes I repeat them or continue the plot where I left it. Today I've seen a scene of a film for the first time in my life and I'm sure I'd seen it before. Before it happened I have been able to picture in my mind how it would occur. I'm still mulling over it.
I dream almost every night. May not remember them, but I remember dreaming. Some are recurring, and it's a bit confusing when they are. Dreams are kind of like a cross between TV and virtual reality for me, so in recurring ones I'm a bit confused and wondering why I've "travelled back in time" to do something all over again. Then I'm fast-forwarding and pausing a lot to find where I left off.
I got to REM sleep in under one minute during two independent sleep studies in different sleep disorder labs... I assume now that this occurs due to information overloading and not the narcolepsy due to a traumatic stress diagnosis that was pinned to me. I have an extreme level of awareness with just a bit too much processing involved at all times. It is actually too complex to describe properly in only typed words or speaking for that matter. I have to sort through millions of still and moving images that flash before my brain's eyes before it chooses the right one or enough similar ones to satisfy the demand for my thoughts. My ocular sight often fades to a gray state for a few milliseconds if the sorting inside gets too complex for external influence.

Is there anyone else that goes through this here or is it just me?

Often in my subconscious state,a nagging problem gets solved in a dream state and upon waking I already have my answer. My level of awareness does not stop during sleep,my brain continues during that time.

My most recurring dream is the one about flying with outstretched arms and body and no aircraft involved...It is a very vivid dream and seems to last for hours,often mimicking actual flights I have piloted...they are very detailed dreams and very accurate .
I dream almost every night. May not remember them, but I remember dreaming.

This is me, most of the time. I wake up feeling as though I've been dreaming, with no memory of what about. I may get a flash of what I dreamt at some point in the day. I recognise it's from my dreams, but it doesn't induce further remembrance of them. When I do remember a dream, it's usually a bad one, and during a period of stress. Oftentimes, it's a recurring one. I have a selection of those.

I sleep well and reach deep sleep often because the energy I spend managing my disorders leaves me quite tired at the end of the day. I am also good at napping at odd times and places. That's something I trained myself to do, because the demands of my work often require that I grab some sleep whenever I can. If you see someone laid out across seats or on the floor at an airport and they are a fifty-something male, it's probably me. Please do not disturb.

For me it's quite easy to deep sleep. If I don't sleep enough, I'll have a bad mood for the day. Also, when I'm tired it's not rare for me to sleep 12-14 hours continuously.

Also, it's rare for me to dream, and when I do I don't give it a further meaning. I think I had only once or twice a recurring dream, don't remember what it was about though.

I dream about different things but sometimes I repeat them or continue the plot where I left it.

I've heard of people having dreams that pick up again at another time. I find that fascinating. Like your own TV series. I hope it's mostly the good stuff that follows that pattern.

My partner has a very strange way of dreaming. At least I've never heard of it before. Starting from childhood, he's been building a "dream geography". All of the settings his dreams take place in, no matter how surreal or incongruous with each other, have all linked up throughout his life into a permanent map that he knows his way around in. The funny thing is, he rarely remembers the dreams themselves. Just where they take place. He has a very keen sense of place and direction in waking life as well, and an incredible memory for places he's only been once, or even just seen a map of beforehand. How odd. I can get lost in a public toilet, never mind a dreamscape.
I've heard of people having dreams that pick up again at another time. I find that fascinating. Like your own TV series. I hope it's mostly the good stuff that follows that pattern.

My partner has a very strange way of dreaming. At least I've never heard of it before. Starting from childhood, he's been building a "dream geography". All of the settings his dreams take place in, no matter how surreal or incongruous with each other, have all linked up throughout his life into a permanent map that he knows his way around in. The funny thing is, he rarely remembers the dreams themselves. Just where they take place. He has a very keen sense of place and direction in waking life as well, and an incredible memory for places he's only been once, or even just seen a map of beforehand. How odd. I can get lost in a public toilet, never mind a dreamscape.
For me it's like my own world, while dreaming I can do whatever I want to. But that sometimes makes me feel better when sleeping than when I am awake, that's on the down side.
For me it's like my own world, while dreaming I can do whatever I want to. But that sometimes makes me feel better when sleeping than when I am awake, that's on the down side.

For me it's very similar, except I can't do whatever I want. However I can manage not to have nightmares. Whenever things start getting too hostile, I always dream my way out of trouble or potential trauma.

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