Colourful Black Sheep
Also, how often do you dream? And, do you have a recurring dream?
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It's rare nowadays for me to reach deep sleep.
I dream every night and I have one dream that recurs monthly since I was about four. Was going to write about it but it seems bizarre and stupid when it's out of my head, mind you I might have mentioned it elsewhere on the forum. Can't remember.
I dream almost every night. May not remember them, but I remember dreaming.
I dream about different things but sometimes I repeat them or continue the plot where I left it.
For me it's like my own world, while dreaming I can do whatever I want to. But that sometimes makes me feel better when sleeping than when I am awake, that's on the down side.I've heard of people having dreams that pick up again at another time. I find that fascinating. Like your own TV series. I hope it's mostly the good stuff that follows that pattern.
My partner has a very strange way of dreaming. At least I've never heard of it before. Starting from childhood, he's been building a "dream geography". All of the settings his dreams take place in, no matter how surreal or incongruous with each other, have all linked up throughout his life into a permanent map that he knows his way around in. The funny thing is, he rarely remembers the dreams themselves. Just where they take place. He has a very keen sense of place and direction in waking life as well, and an incredible memory for places he's only been once, or even just seen a map of beforehand. How odd. I can get lost in a public toilet, never mind a dreamscape.
For me it's like my own world, while dreaming I can do whatever I want to. But that sometimes makes me feel better when sleeping than when I am awake, that's on the down side.