It seems like what it meant to have friends when we were kids was different than what it means to have friends as an adult.
For all of you who are completely friendless (like me), did you have any friends at all when you were a kid? Or is one kicked out of the ASD club if it's discovered that they had a friend in 3rd grade?
I had tons of friends as a kid and teenager but most ended up being mean to me.
I made friends everywhere I went
These were some of the names...
Mirrian and Jessica, this Gabrielle girl them she moved away it was sad because I really liked her and she came out of her grade party to give me cake, belinda, Tracey, Leah, I talked to Isobel sometimes and Emma W.
Most of them were ended up being mean and not wanting to be my friend even though I loved some people dearly. I sincerely got obsessed with some people thinking they were the prettiest thing ever amd so cool and I kept trying to make friends with Ashley, Amy, Kara, Jess, Kate, Heidi..
They all ended up being so mean.
In grade 6, I had a bubby and snot hang out of her nose and I thought it was a bit gross really but I thought I cannot let her go around like this so I blew it and sometimes it was a lot of snot.
And I lifted the other girl because she was so cute, her name was Emma then I realised she did not like it.
And in high school my friends were my cousin Jessica, Steph, Claire also I was friends with other kids like Tammi, Megan, close to Rachael at times but they were really loud and a bit embarrassing so we were not super close. But I was close to Jessica, Steph and Claire. I was friends with Ebony this Asian girl at my drama class and we had so much fun and she was always happy to see me.
And I made friends with this other Andrea girl at my other drama school.
And even when I grew up I made friends in different places. I was friends with boys too or used to talk to them as well. Like Lefty, David D and others.
And I sat with this boy James on the train when I went in the city and we talked about all things. I made friends everywhere
So yes while it is not shameful to struggle with that as someone with ASD I think not all people experience it.
I like to know anyone who was like me as a child, made friends easy but struggled to keep them long term.