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Did you take online tests?


Well-Known Member
I know they can't always give the best information but every online test I've taken to see if it is likely that I have AS have come back as a yes. Did any of you take tests like these and find they are accurate? My son was diagnosed but I was told to screen myself as well and even the test my psych have me said likely although he thinks I don't look like I have it (does he see me day to day or know my thoughts and feelings at all times; no) but even though I want to get screened all of our funding needs to go to my sons for medication and therapy.

Just wanting to see if the results of all the tests I've taken warrant seeking out a professional diagnosis. I also have ADHD, GAD, OCD, and depression. All of which my son has.
I think many or most of us on this forum have taken online tests, such as the Aspie Quiz, or the AQ test, and have generally gotten results that seem accurate.
I'm inclined to think if you take them just once they are likely to be in the ballpark.

That said, one of the amusing things about the tests has been to read that psychiatrists have chuckled at the ability of some Aspies to identfy patterns very quickly to the point where they can take the test again and score anywhere along the spectrum they want to.

I just used them as a starting point to investigate further. Reading hardcore medical information pertinent to traits and behaviors. But yes- the ultimate way to confirm a diagnosis is to get a diagnosis. In my case I'm still weighing the possible consequences and benefits of doing so.

What continues to fascinate me the most is to read so many others here whose suspicions have drawn accurate conclusions.
I've gotten results that seem accurate from reading my horoscope/star sign ;) I place about as much stock in that as I would the quizzes (or magazine quizzes for that matter). As well intentioned as I believe they are, there's no basis supporting that the quizzes can function as a diagnostic tool that I am aware of (I would not be surprised if for example, if the tests tended to suggest those with other such as OCD and ADHD might be on the spectrum regardless)

I was professional diagnosed by a panel as a child, after a whole range of tests, however I can recognise that it would be harder to be diagnosed as an adult, and probably harder still as a woman especially if you have other diagnosise explain much of your difficulties.
When I originally discovered or at least recognized my abnormalities initially, I took a personality disorder test to see if any strange results would appear. In short, they were incredibly strange results, so I went and got diagnosed by a professional.
Which were the tests that you took? There are some that are actually pretty good.

I have taken a few here and there over the years and they always put me in the likely or very likely category. I'd never diagnose myself I just find it interesting that each test picks up on that but I agree with the above that it isn't taking into account my other diagnoses. Still, it always motivates me to see someone about it which I am going to do. Who knows what she will say but even if I don't get the diagnosis I still relate to many of the traits, and the books I read, and people I talk to.

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