I am a 21 year-old aspie and I've often found that I have a tendency to either want to be best friends with someone or not talk to them any more than is necessary. However, I've noticed that many NTs seem to have much more in-between than that. For example, I'll meet someone who acts nice to me and seems to want to be friends, but over time I'll realize that they're only interested in talking to me when it's convenient for them, and that they consistently prefer the company of their "real" friends. I know that I'm not always good at expressing my interest in developing a closer friendship, and I likely seem unclear or more indifferent than I really am, but I've frequently experienced this "friendship limit" where I get the distinct impression that someone maybe likes me, but only to a certain point.
The problem is, I have trouble recognizing what level of friendship someone wants, and I often find myself pursuing a friendship further than I later wish I had, mistaking the person's politeness for interest. I also have the opposite problem, partly out of anxiety due to the aforementioned situations, in that I am afraid to try and hang out with someone more or open up to them, because I can't tell if I'm being over-bearing and if they would rather I stop.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to tell when a person wants to be closer friends with you as opposed to being on friendly enough terms to ask favors or something, and what specifically to do to progress from the "friendly chatting when we happen to be in the same place" stage to the "hanging out and talking about personal things" stage if someone is interested. I feel bad just cutting someone out of my life if I'm not sure I'm interpreting them correctly, and I also worry about making a fool of myself by trying too hard, especially with people I'm obligated to interact with, such as coworkers.
Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated!
I am a 21 year-old aspie and I've often found that I have a tendency to either want to be best friends with someone or not talk to them any more than is necessary. However, I've noticed that many NTs seem to have much more in-between than that. For example, I'll meet someone who acts nice to me and seems to want to be friends, but over time I'll realize that they're only interested in talking to me when it's convenient for them, and that they consistently prefer the company of their "real" friends. I know that I'm not always good at expressing my interest in developing a closer friendship, and I likely seem unclear or more indifferent than I really am, but I've frequently experienced this "friendship limit" where I get the distinct impression that someone maybe likes me, but only to a certain point.
The problem is, I have trouble recognizing what level of friendship someone wants, and I often find myself pursuing a friendship further than I later wish I had, mistaking the person's politeness for interest. I also have the opposite problem, partly out of anxiety due to the aforementioned situations, in that I am afraid to try and hang out with someone more or open up to them, because I can't tell if I'm being over-bearing and if they would rather I stop.
I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to tell when a person wants to be closer friends with you as opposed to being on friendly enough terms to ask favors or something, and what specifically to do to progress from the "friendly chatting when we happen to be in the same place" stage to the "hanging out and talking about personal things" stage if someone is interested. I feel bad just cutting someone out of my life if I'm not sure I'm interpreting them correctly, and I also worry about making a fool of myself by trying too hard, especially with people I'm obligated to interact with, such as coworkers.
Any input or advice would be greatly appreciated!