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Different types of ASD


Active Member

Can there be different personality types of people diagnosed with ASD?.
And or depending on the person, is ASD by itself just this [ONE] thing that is 100% on the spot the same all around?.

What I'm trying to ask is, its like this ball together, and this ball is called ASD. but in that ball, are there different types of ASD?, and maybe people who have been diagnosed with this ASD, may this be able to squeeze out of the ball?.

Truly getting down to serious business here.

Who has real ASD and who does not?. Sorry, I'm not saying ASD is not real what so ever and who the hell would I be to say that, no not at all. I'm just asking, could a major lifestyle change and happenings/addiction, events in the world along with psychologist tweaking ones mind, ending up then the person with border asd? not really have asd from birth ???

Hi Timmy, ASD is from birth. Its hard wired into our brains. That said, heavy drug dependency probably messes up your brain tons. I wouldn't be surprised that drug use could cause harmful effects on the brain which changes your personality.
ASDs are not Personality Disorders. Conceivably someone could have both. Everyone has personality though, and although it is classically difficult to define for psychologists it's expected that all people with psychological (or in this case psychiatric) disorders will have different personalities. Personality may influence treatment outcomes, so it may also influence the severity of one's ASD.
The thing is I don't think most Psychiatrists that work with ASDs will consider the discussion of personality relevant to your diagnosis unless it is an obstacle to treatment.
There is an interesting theory about various types of personalities in people. A mother-daughter team, Myers-Briggs, expands of the Jung theories of personality and say all people fit into one of 16 different personality types. I am an ISTJ. I find their theory very believable and received a lot of help in my personal life once I learned, in my 40s, what my type is and how other types think and react. This knowledge helped me a lot because I was always considered difficult and strangely different. Actually working with a group of ISTJ people was fascinating. I didn't learn I was an Aspie until I was in my early 60s and the knowledge of the personality types and my Aspieness has helped me understand why I have always been a outsider. Google Myers-Briggs for personality theories and take an online test. It has really helped me to accept myself learning about my personality type as well as being an Aspie.

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